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Chapter 2- Marriage?

Aisha's POV

What's he doing here?

The man behind the desk straightens his royal blue suit and his eyes roam my face. His jet black hair is neatly combed which makes his face clear. His hazel brown eyes pierce through mine as his mouth slowly twitch into a frown.

It is none other than Omar Malik.

Of course, he's the CEO of Malik Fashion World, the successful son of Mr Salim Malik. Why didn't I think of it before.

Well, way to go Aisha!

You could have checked the name of the CEO before accepting the deal. Come to think of it, I didn't even finish reading the contract.

"So why did you decide to choose fashion designing as a career?" He asks straightforward, ignoring the fact that we had a relationship back in highschool. I'm glad he just jumped to the questions.

I hesitate at first before answering,
"Why not? I mean being a fashion designer. Ever since I was young, I loved designing outfits and because of my love for it, I decided to do all my best to be one."

His lips twitch into a little smile, "What according to you is a favourite part of being a fashion designer?"

"Well in my perspective, the ability to create a magnificent work which would fit any area or situation you find yourself in. Clothes, designs and styles that say who a person is, the mood and also personality. So it's the ability to show who you're without speaking."

"The designs you created are no doubt good enough, but who and which things were your inspiration while creating such designs?"

"My biggest fashion inspiration is Nicolas Ghesquière, I think it's because of the fact that he's self taught and he tried to show the world who French people are through his designs. The African designers such as Duro Olowu from Nigeria who tries to capture moods and culture through his works. He is mostly known for his love for bright colors, cuts that are highly finished I'm also attracted to his love for vintage prints on his designs. These are my top two inspirations."

After a couple of questions, he gives me the job and say I can start tomorrow. I take my bag and leave only to be stopped by a call. It's Mum.
I cut the call and video called her. It's being ages since I last saw her.
"Assalam alaykum Ummah(Peace be upon you mother)"
"Wa alaykumussalaam. Did you get the job?" She anxiously asks.
"Yes I did."
"Can you come today?" She asks hopefully.
"I'm coming over by 6 pm." I say.
After the talks, I cut the call and leave the company.

I take a taxi to my apartment and freshen up.
I walk into my kitchen, bring out chicken left-over and put it in the microwave. I'm not in the mood to cook. My apartment isn't big but medium sized and comfy. It has white and royal blue wallpaper. Two bedrooms with a bathroom in each, a little kitchen, sitting room and an empty room. Haven't decided what to do with it yet. Mum threw a fit when I told her I was leaving home, she kept talking about the fact that I'm a female and I need to stay at home but I'm 24 for Godsake. I need to live my life without depending on my mum.

After eating, I decide to wear a nude colour kimono with white straight gown underneath and matching bag and shoes. I stop a taxi and go to mum's. Driving is something that I have always been scared of. I didn't pass my driving test and almost ran over a cop.

"Assalam alaykum." I greet her and hug her.
"Wa akaykumussalaam." She hugs me back. I step into the house and memories of the past flooded in my mind. The sad and painful memories like when dad passed away two years ago. He died a natural death. Mum was lonely and depressed, she would hold his clothes and cry. Sometimes, she pretended that she was in a conversation with him. She misses him, well, we all do.
"Aisha how was the interview? And how's the nature of your boss?" She begins.
"Alhamdulillah, it was great and my boss was my classmate in highschool."
"This means that he was nice to you?"
I wish! The first thing he did when he saw me was frown, so I don't think things will go well.
"Yes he was." I lie. I took off my headscarf and placed it on the couch before I removed my kimono.
"Assalam akaykum." Yasmin comes out of nowhere with a smile on her lips. I run to her and wish her back before hugging her.
"Where's my future in-law?" I ask?
Her eyes roam the room and she shrug. "Probably playing with Asiya."
I look at her astonished, "Abubakar is here?"
She nods and reply, "We all are. Mum wanted us to have dinner before my wedding."
Asiya comes running to me. I lift her and hold her like a baby before tickling her. She lets out a giggle and pushes my hand away. Asiya is the daughter of Abubakar and Annabelle who later changed her name to Sumaya. She is a replica of her mum. Abubakar walks in with his wife. We greet and hug. I kiss Sumaya's big tummy. "Masha Allah, how many months now?"
"Five." She smiles sheepishly. Yasmin leaves to get Jake on the wheel chair as I go to set the table. He also changed his name to Haidar but Yasmin prefers to call him Jake or Alpha.

"So when are you getting married?" Abubakar begins as we eat making me choke. I drink a big gulp of water and reply, "When it's time."
"And when will that be?" He continue.
"Don't disturb my baby about marriage." Mum chip in. Thank God.
"But she isn't getting younger. I have a friend who isn't married yet, maybe I can hook you up with him."
I drop my fork on the plate and look at him. "Allah's time is the best. I haven't found the one I love and for the 11th time, stop trying to hook me up with one of your friends. Take mum for example, she got married at the age of 29. So I'm not that old."

"Don't bring me into this. And I think that you should check this one out, he might be the one." Mum say and sips her tea. "That's what you said last time and the man ended up to be a seductive jerk. I'm not taking anymore chances." I cross my arms. 5 years old Asiya pulls my hijab and I faced her. "Aunt Aisha, please get married, so you can buy a baby." I smile at Asiya and glare at Abubakar. They must have told her to say it. I sigh and say, "I will go out with him but promise me this will be the last?"
"Now hush and eat." Mum queries.

I leave mum's by 9pm and walk down the street. I decided to walk home so I can think. What if they're right? I'm getting old. After Omar broke my heart, I didn't fall in love again and maybe I never will. On several occasions, Abubakar and mum introduced friends and relatives but none suited me. None could be compared to him and that's why I hate him more. Working for him will be a mess. That I'm sure of.

"Beep!" A hard metal brush my leg making me to yelp in shock. I look at the bright headlights that blind my eyes. I check my leg but found a little bruise. Whoever is driving must be blind.
Beep! Beep!
The driver horns again. I walk to the door and peer through the glass.

"Watch where you're going because I won't be responsible for your silly action." Omar sharply says.
"You must be stupid! You almost hit me and you're blaming me for your careless driving. Look here Mister, I don't care if you're in a hot car. If you hit me, I will smash your car with you in it!" I retort. His eyes snaps to mine before he hisses and speeds off.


I walk to my apartment with the thought of my agreement to go on a blind date. What if he's the one for me? Well I don't know if love really exists. I stopped believing in it a long time ago.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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