Chapter 17

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Chapter 17- Rules.


Aisha's POV
I called Adam and apologised for not making it, I explained everything to him except for the fights and hatred parts. He understood at once and I was glad he did. Adam is someone I call 'almost perfect.' He's caring, nice, understanding and intelligent. He's the type of man that can sweep any girl off her feet.

"Dear?" His annoying voice brings me back to reality. I smile at him and he raises a brow in question.
"Nothing." I assure him and scoop a spoon of Pho soup, before bringing it to his mouth. He didn't oppose, well, he couldn't. 

Dining with both families is definitely not the time to put on the 'arrogant' face. I eat my chicken salad in silence, ignoring Andrew's flirting eyes.
"So when do we expect a baby?" His mum blunts out causing her daughter-in-law to choke; obviously me.

What's with me and choking?

Yasmin hands me a glass of water and rubs my back. Omar, embarrassed looks the other way.
My eyes meet his as I take the spoon to his mouth. He sips the soup and little slids down the edge of his mouth. I reach to wipe it but stops when he says, "I'm not handless you know. Who even wants chubby hands that looks like hotdogs with nails on his face?"

"I’m sorry, was I meant to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face." I smile.

"Is everything okay?" His mum asks. I interlock our fingers and smile sweetly at her. "Yeah." In response, Omar bring his lips to my ear, "If you're gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty." I pretend to laugh at his words then whisper back at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't get that - I don't speak idiot."

"Enough with the sweet whispers." Mum cut us. If only she knew what we said to each other, Omar and I would be using our asses as hats. I look at Andrew who smirks and mouths, "Can I borrow a kiss? I swear I’ll give it back."

Annoyed by his cheesy pick-up lines, I mouth back, "Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all stupid people." His face hardens in anger and I smile in satisfaction. How does Omar put up with him. Oh! I forgot that he's just as much as a perveted asshole as Omar. "When are you due?" I ask Annabelle. "Next two months Insha Allah."
"Insha Allah, I can't wait to be an aunt!" I squeal but get a stare from little Asiya. "I thought you were my aunt." She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.
"Of course you're my cute neice and I'm your aunt. You and Layla." I playfully grab her cheek and tickle her. She lets out a giggle. "But I'm excited to have another neice. Don't you want a cousin?"

"I do, but where do babies come from?"

Akward moment!


"Only God knows. We just pray for a baby and God grants us when we fall asleep." Omar explains. Bad excuse but nice save.

"But why is your belly big?" She asks.
"Eat your food and don't talk." Annabelle cuts in. She doesn't push further but follows her mother's orders. I go back to the feeding Omar peacefully and getting a chair kicking massage from Andrew as he keeps kicking the chair. Not wanting to make a scene, I push my chair backwards so he can't reach for it. Contended with the position, I smirk and Omar notices. "The only way you’ll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken’s ass and wait. You can't force a man in between your legs, definitely not Andrew."

"Brains aren’t everything. In your case they’re nothing, so I can't force them into your skull. He's the one trying to get between my legs, but who am I talking to? Oh! His partner in crime."

He gives out a dry chuckle and mutters, "Don't get your hopes up, you're not his type. Too fat, not sexy..."

"Oh shut it. We all get it that sluts are definitely your type." Smirking, he sips the soup and says, "Sexy sluts though."

"Ugh! You're impossible." I roll my eyes, making him to wink.

At last, dinner ends and they all find their ways home. Act over - time to deal with reality.
I push the pillows under his head to his comfort. "Is this okay?"

"No, it's a bit lower at the left." I increase the level at the left side and he complains on the right side. Sensing that he's just trying to make me angry and he's definitely using me. I pick a pillow and slam it on his face. "You are a vexatious jerk!"
"What did I do now?" He questions feigning innocence.
"I would love to massage my feet but my hand's injured." I grunt and place my hands on his cold feet, massaging one then the other. After I'm done, I put on his socks and pull the covers and arrange the pillows that separates us. Turning off the lights, I drift off to sleep.

                          •  •  •  •

"Get your ass up!" You denied lupricorn from hell!" I scream as he crushes my phone while trying to sit.
"You act like a ten year old. I'm rich, I can get you billions of that trash." He replies in his usual cocky voice.

"Just get off my phone!" I push him aside and pick it up. I see a missed call from Aliya and call her. We talk and she informs me that she would visit later. Aliya is my best friend from highschool but due to different university choices, we got seperated. I wouldn't call her my bestfriend now but I know she's more than a friend. But the bestfriends stuffs didn't just work out. She always hated Omar because she predicted that he was gonna cheat on me. "We need rules."
"What type of rules?"

"How we're gonna act in the front of the world and how we're gonna make this marriage end fast." I suggest. Opening my drawer, I take a pen and a sheet of paper.

"No holding me by my waist. I don't want that thing you call hand caressing my waist. But since Aliya, my friend is coming over today, you're allowed to. Just because she can see through these acts. So you need to be more romantic." He opens his mouth to talk back but silence him by placing my palm on his mouth.

"Don't talk cos whatever you say will probably be stupid anyway." He glares at me and I feel his soft lips brush my palm. My body stiffens in shock or maybe cos it felt uncomfortable.

"What are you doing?" I ask in a cracky voice as he kisses his way up to my neck. I bite my lips, trying to hold in a moan as my eyes involuntarily close. My hands travels to his naked back, digging my nails into it as I let go of a moan. He trails kisses softly behind my ear, using a hand to gather my hair on the other side of my neck as his other hand holds my waist firmly. He gently lays me on the bed and lays on me.

I open my mouth to stop him but his wet lips on mine silences me. His lips are warm yet firm as he trails them across my jawline. My hands trail his brown hair and my heart beats incredibly fast at the motions. His scent intoxicates me, filling my nose with his strong cologne. But what intoxicated me more was his scent. His lips finds its way back to my lips and his tattooed hand pulls my hair back. He pulls away, staring at me with a smirk which I return with a blank one. Swallowing the saliva stuck in my throat, my brain tries to register what happened. "You aren't bad but you just have to work on how to move your lips if you want to fool your friend." Too embarrassed to talk, I watch him brush his hair with both his hands.


"Your hands...broken...I mean, your right hand was broken and now it's not. How?"

"My hand was never broken, I figured out I could use you as my slave because you definitely would be guilty and would want to do anything I say. So I payed the doctor to lie. But I can see that after our little session where you were good at, you noticed." He wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk.
"You dumbag banana! You lied to all of us. Do your parents know?"

"Nope, just you and if you tell them. I will just tell them how you used me as your slave." He smirks.

"You know I hate you, right?"

He inches closer to me and replies "That's what your mouth is saying princess, but your mouth said something earlier."

"Shut up!" I throw a pillow at him. "Let's just go to the next rule."

Thank you all for your prayers, love you!!!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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