Chapter 30

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Chapter 30- Harry Styles ends up in the toilet.
Aisha's POV

I was running as fast as I could in the thick forest as everything started crumbling. I ran past the never ending trees, in haste to reach him. But the faster I ran, the slower I realised I was. The crumbling earth was a few feet from me. I looked ahead of me at the figure that stood with a smile. "I love you, you can make it." He assured me but I felt hopeless.

"Daddy, I can't." I felt tears running down my cheeks.

I ran faster but suddenly, the ground opened up and I fell into the hole. "Help me!" I screamed as dirt filled my face making me sink deeper.

My legs sank into hot sand and my eyes opens. I examine the environment I'm in. I don't see a single building, plant nor soul. It's completely empty except for the sand my legs are stuck in.

"I love you baby, come to me. We can be reunited forever." I hear a faint voice and in no far distance stood a silhouette of a figure. I could instantly tell that it was my father but I couldn't see his face properly. The sun was too bright I couldn't make out his face but I didn't doubt that it was my dad and his hand was drawn out to me. If I could walk to where he stood, I'm sure he would welcome me with warm hands.

The wind blows right on my face, sending sands my way. Another strong wave blows again and I turn. Far behind me was a sand storm, fastly approaching me. I start running towards my dad once again as fast as I could. Although, the sandstorm attempted to slow me down, I didn't stop. I got closer to my dad, I started making out his face. The big smile plastered on his face, his eyes softens as I approach him.

I try to take his hand in mine but goes through it, I try to touch his face but it goes through it again. My heart drops when I realize his eyes weren't on me but little girl running towards him. I examine the little girl in white gown with little prints of cherries. Her black hair flying everywhere as she ran. Her dimple sinks deeper as she smiled. That's me. The little girl is me. He is holding his hands to her.

His face saddens and I realise, she isn't going to make it. The sandstorm is just a few feet a way from her. My legs move on their own as I run towards her to save her but I'm late. She's stuck in the sandstorm; nevertheless, I run after her into the sandstorm. The sand hits me in every direction but I clutch her to my body protecting from the cruel sandstorm.

Slowly, the sand reduces till I hear nothing. I open my eyes and freak as I see the little girl with blood rolling down her cheeks. Her face turns paper white as more blood cascade down her cheeks, staining her dress. "Help me, he's going to kill me." She mutters.


She points and I turn to the direction but don't see anyone. I look back at her but find no one. At far end if the desert, I see a creature. A enormous beast all black with bloodshot eyes. It snarls and runs towards me. I stand to run but heavy metals draw me to the ground. My legs and wrists are chained, I tried to free myself but fail. I shift my gaze to the beast but don't see anything. I feel a sharp pain on my shoulders. I groan in pain which is replaced with a scream as another intense pain slashes my back. Again and again, the pain consumes me. It felt as if the beast claws were tearing up my back. After a while, it stops and I look ahead of me. I'm not in the desert anymore but in the middle of short trimmed grasses. My backyard. A hand rested on my sholder, I face the man smiling at me. I smile back and hug him, I feel safe in his arms, in my dad's arms.

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