Chapter 26

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Today is throwback Disney baby!!😍😍
I've been watching old Disney movies since last night and God, are they the best. Hannah Montana got me going Hannah Monloco😜

Chapter 26- No pain. No gain. No flu.

Aisha's POV

I throw a water balloon at him and he's caught off-guard, so it hits him fair and square in the face. It takes him a few seconds to realise it and I grab another fast, hitting him on the ear. "I'm gonna get you!" He laughs chasing we with full force and I run away. From the corners of my eyes, I watch him pick some and SPLASH! it landed on my back. Another hits me and I fall on the grass. He holds two up and attacks my face. I accidentally inhale the water and my head seemes like it was having its own party with Gamgam Style playing for a second. I cough out the water and pull Omar down while I go fetch more. I manage to grab two before he drags me away and I fall on the grass. I shoot one but miss and the other lands on his pants.

My hijab pin gets lost and in my defend to tie it properly, he fire shots at me and my body automatically shivers in cold.
Oh no you ain't happening! There's no way I'm quitting because of some cold.


I start running towards the cyclists and on my way, I take the frisbee and throw it at him. "You're cheating!" He screams and shoots the balloons without missing me. Did this guy attend some shooting school or what? I make it to the cyclists while sniffling and run like hell back to the bag of balloons when I don't see a free bicycle. I reach inside the bag and pick three. He picks the last two as I fire at him and oh ohh! I'm dead.

As an Ahmad, there's one thing we're good at, running! I run crazily away from him as he shoots one. It lands on the grass and I turn, chortling. "Ha! You missed lo-"


The last one hits me flatly on my face. He starts laughing hard and I join him but stop when it comes. Here it comes...


Oh Crabs...

Have I told you that the Ahmads faint oftentimes and get flu when cold water touches our body severally? No? Oh yeah we do. When it comes to fainting, Yasmin is worst. As for flu, Abubakar and I have a master's degree in that aspect but mine is a bit worse because it continues for weeks. The perks of being an Ahmad.

I sneeze again and again, Omar comes to my side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," *sneeze* "I just decided to show off my sneezing skills." *sneeze*

"Let's get back. You're sick."

"It was just a sneeze and if it's flu, I'm used to it. This," I gesture to everything that had happened. "Was worth it."

"Um.. Excuse me, can I take a picture with you." I lady approaches us, her eyes eating Omar like some pie. She intentionally touches her thigh, pretending to be wiping off sweat. She wore a supposed-to-be short skirt which she had turned into a miniskirt. We could all tell her bra was stuffed because they looked like they were about to blow up anytime soon. She wore a white transparent crop top which is the same length as her push up black bra. I'm a fashion designer so trust me when I say it's clearly not her boobs. She twirls the tip of her brown curly hair with her yellow painted nails and strangely smelled like fish. Her bright red painted moustache cos I swear it isn't only her lips that looks painted red.

She looks like she had a wild night, recovered from a hangover and decided to say, 'Oh there's Omar Malik, let me try my pop the stuffed bra magic on him.'

He looks at me and we both have the same expression that screams 'WHAT THE FLYING LEMURS!'

"Yeah, sure." He gives in and she practically shoves those things against his chests and pecks him before taking the picture. She leaves a bright red lipstick mark on his cheek which makes me laugh.

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