Chapter 40

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I know I'm expected to update tomorrow, but wanted to make it up to you guys. It's really long, I hope you enjoy it.
These two commented their names, I'm going to use you two a lot starting from today

Chapter 40: Perks of life.

Aisha's POV

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I push him away fiercely. His back hits the doorstep. He sluggishly stands and smirks like a fool, clearly reeking of alcohol.

"Aisha? Is everything alright?"
Omar calls from the kitchen.

He can't see him, I can't let him see Yousuf. It sounds wrong but things would definitely get ugly.

"Y-yeah." I stutter.

"Who's there?"

"Aliyah, give me a sec." Shutting the door, I punch Yousuf who stumbles back. "What the heck is wrong with you? Are you crazy!" I yell but not loud enough for Omar to hear.

His smirk transforms into a frown. "I'm... I'm crazy for ya." He narrows his eyes and points his index finger to me. He suddenly bursts into laughter. "You love me. Oops! I'm wrong."

I fold my hands across my chest avoiding his look. "You have to go."

"Are you shitting me? Is this because of him?"

'Is it?' I ask myself. Once upon a time, I was in love with Yousuf, I was ready to marry him. Now, I'm not sure if I want to. A week with Omar changed everything, it was also driving me crazy. I didn't just crave for his kisses, I craved him. I wanted his presence, his touches. Everything about him makes me feel safe. It sounds cheesy but everything about him intoxicates me in a sweet, scary way.

Oh My God! How stupid was I! I'm in love with Omar.

My eyes meet Yousuf's once again.

"Fuck! It's him. You're in love with him. He broke your heart remember? He toyed with you. He hurt you several times yet you want him. Look at me! I had never hurt you." He steps closer and clutches my hand tightly.

"Please let me go." I winced in pain, he held me very tight that it hurt.

"Tell me the truth!"

"Please, you're hurting me. I don't know how to love you like this, you're drunk. Let me go please."

As if realising how much pain he's inflicting on me, he lets me go and regains himself. "You know, he got everything he wanted. He had everything except you. Just you." He stares at me, eyes watery. "I guess I was wrong."

"I like you Yousuf, I honestly like you. You're funny, cool, caring. I was ready to marry you." I let out a little chuckle. "But I lo-"

I'm not given a chance to finish as his lips captures mine again.

"What the hell!" I abruptly push him and look behind me, eyes wide as Omar glares at us. He slams the door shut as he goes back in.

"Leave!" I scream at Yousuf.

"Forget him, we can-"

I cut him off my using all my strength to push him away. "Leave!" I manage to yell as tears run down my cheeks before rushing back in.

I run upstairs to meet Omar who is sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I can explain, it isn't what you think it's." I step closer to him.

"Get out. Go to him, go to your fucking lover, I'm sure he's waiting for you." He says coldly, his eyes locked on the floor.

"It's not what you think. I don't love him." I sit next to him.

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