Chapter 6

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I want to say a big thanks to youngWwriter for reading my story. You give me the energy to keep writing.

Chapter 6- Middle finger
Omar's POV

"Hey bro!" Yousuf slams the door behind him with a grin on his face.
"What do you want?" I demand. I don't like the habit of people talking to me when I'm busy and Yousuf is a talkative.

He puts his hands on his chest and feigns to be hurt. "Is that how to treat your elder brother?" He walks to where I sit, ruffles my hair and sits next to me.
In anger, I comb my hair neatly. "Can you just get to the point and say why you're here because I'm busy as you can see."

He puts on a little smile and says, "And that's why you don't have a wife."
I raise my brow at him and reply, "How's my little girl doing? When is her birthday? You know I will hate myself if I miss her birthday party, besides, she's the only neice I've got."

"What niece?" He questions with a confuse face.
"Exactly." I wink.
"At least I've gotten a girl I really want to marry and she tells me that you've dated." He wiggles his eyebrow.
"And her name is?"
"Aisha Ahmad."

"Shit!" I curse and mistakenly bump the glass of water that lands on my pants, causing the water to spill on me. Grabbing a tissue, I wipe the liquid off me.
"What was that all about bro?" "Nothing!" I abruptly say. Why the heck does he want to marry Aisha? Why the hell do I even care? She's my past and I will leave it that way, no need to get dramatic over it. Besides, Jenny is always there for me to toy with.

"Whatever that was dude, dad wants you to visit him when you get to Paris."
"What does that old man want from me?"

"Who knows and don't tell Aisha I told you." I simply nod and he walks out.
"Simon!" I call for my bodyguard.
"Keep an eye on Aisha Ahmad."

A soft knock breaks me from my thoughts and I at my body, dressed in only shorts. It's probably one of my guards.
"Come in!" The door opens revealing Aisha in a beautiful black abaya that reached up to her neck and black headwrap.
Her eyes widen with shock as she gazes at my torso.
"Shit!" I curse and she turns around, lowering her eyes. I quickly grab a shirt and pull it down my head.
"You can look now." I say.

She doesn't look at me and speaks, "We've reached Paris, just wanted you to know." She walks out and I can hear her stomping her feet. I look down at the papers in my hands.
F*ck! I didn't finish memorizing the informations of the people we would meet today. I quickly brush through the papers before getting in the shower. I look at my tattoos through the mirror. Every tattoo tells a story, most people say I'm a Muslim because of my name but when they see my tattoos, they think again. But even I can say if I'm a Muslim or not.

My hand brush on the tattoo of teary eyes on my right chest and my eyes darken, I loved Aisha but I messed up with Jenny. Jenny is just my toying partner but with Aisha, I felt different. I was drunk to stupor and I said all those harsh words to her, I still see her teary eyes when I look at her. When I woke up the next day and came back to my senses, it was too late. Sad, I got the tattoo and Jenny became my toy. We know we don't love each other, it's more of a business deal. I get to sleep with her and she gets my money. So it's a win-win for everyone.

Wrapping a towel round my waist, I brush my teeth and step out. After putting on my suit, I head to where Aisha is and find her on a video call. I peep and see her talking with Yousuf. But I can't hear what he's saying due to the headphone on her ears. Without thinking through, I walk to her, remove the headphone and snatch her phone before cutting the call. "We're hear for business, not for love!"
She follows me and stands in front of me. "Oh you're the one to talk. At least I wasn't talking to a half naked b*tch! We're here for buisness not for a stripping interview!" She retorts and leaves the plane.
Dang it! She saw me yesterday, "Stop this instance!" I roar but she puts her middle finger up and walks on. I walk fastly and grab her hand, dragging her to the plane, she wriggles her hand trying to break lose and I pick her up. I drop her on the bed and hold her hand. "Shut the f*ck up and quit shaking!" I snap. She stops shaking and stare into my eyes. "If you aren't gonna f*ck me, don't raise your middle finger at me again." I whisper.
She widens her eyes in shock and kicks me hard where the sun doesn't shine. "Get off me you monster! And don't you ever touch me!" I groan in pain as she runs off.
I manage to stand and go off the plane. I see her with my brother engross in a conversation, he must have said something funny because she uproars in a laugh. His eyes meet mine and he smirks, she follows his eyes and lands on me. The smile on her face washes away and she looks at me with anger. I walk pass her and clutch Yousuf by the collar. "What are you doing here?"
"Calm down bro, sometimes I can't believe that I'm two years older than you. I came to meet dad and voila! I find Aisha here." He removes my hand from his collar and talks to Aisha. "See ya." He winks at her and nods before walking off. She heads back to the plane and I stop her. "What are you doing?" I ask.
"My bags are in there."
"Forget it, they will bring it. Let's just go to the hotel."

She turns and gets in the car, I drive slowly to the hotel. The receptionist welcome us and I can feel Aisha's eyes raking back and forth at us. I huffed and thinned my brows.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"Don't you understand French?" I ask back. She shakes her head and I tell her that there's only a room left and it's a single bed.

"Can't we go to another hotel?" She asks hopefully.

"This one's closer to the company and I won't drive half way across the city just because you're uncomfortable with it."  She glares at me, making me shrug in indifference as I collect the key from her. We get shown to our room and I see Yousuf smiling at us.
"Hey people!" He calls after us and walks our way. "So you two in a room?" I simply nod.
"Are you comfortable with it?" He smirks and Aisha and I answer in unison.

"No!" We glare at each other and look back at Yousuf who has a stupid smile on his face. "How about you sleep in my room, you can have the bed."
"No!" I snap. "She's my personal assistant and she will sleep in my room." She raises a brow and questions, "Since when?"

She walks to Yousuf and folds her hands on her chest. "I'm staying with him and that's final."
"But I'm your boss and I say no!" I argue. She rolls her eyes and walk into our room.
I glare at Yousuf and he raises his hands in defence. I walk into the room and see her packing her bags. "What are you doing?"
"Gardening!" She snaps and walks out.
Whatever! I strip off my clothes and go in for a shower. After several hours of watching TV, I can't help but think if she has eaten. Not that I care! I lay back on the bed but feel uncomfortable. What's she doing with him? I ask myself. I pick my phone and dial her number. It rings a couple of time but she doesn't pick. Vexed, I put on a tee and storm into Yousuf's room only to see his face mere inches away from her. She stands and faces me with a surprised look on her face.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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