Chapter 16

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Chapter 16-  Free set of Victoria Secret panties.

Aisha's POV
I rush out as fast as I can to nowhere, I don't know the hospital he was taken to. My phone starts to ring and I pick the call.

"Assalam alaykum, I just heard the news. Laa ilaha illa Allah! I'm on my way." The driver speeds as i anxiously bite my nails. What have I done?

In ten minutes, we arrive at the hospital and I fly open the door. I find my two mums, his dad, Yasmin, Abubakar and three men I don't know. Although I saw them at the wedding, I didn't really pay much attention to them. We all greet and I look into Omar's brown eyes. I could see the angry in them, but of course he put on a fake smile.

Trust this Shakespeare's descendant.

"How're you feeling?" I ask and give his hand a little squeeze.

"Ouch! It hurts. Apart from a broken right arm, I'm good."

"I'm so sorry, may Allah heal you fast and I promise to take care of you more than ever. Laa ba'sa tahoorun 'inshaa'Allaah (Do not worry, it will be a purification (for you), Allah willing.)" I kiss his forehead and smile sweetly at him. The kiss was just an act but the smile was real.
"Ameen my dear." He whispers.

"This is Andrew, Abdul and Ameer. Andrew is Omar's close friend, Abdul and Ameer are his cousins." His mum introduces me to the three men with blue eyes only that the one in the middle is a bit paler. We greet one another and I can't help but feel his gaze on me. I look up at Andrew and he lowers his gaze. I look back at Omar and see him looking at Andrew with annoyance, following his eyes, Andrew's pale blue ones raking my body. I raise a brow at Andrew but he doesn't look away, instead he looks straight into mine and bites his lower lip, smiling which reveals a dimple. Omar clears his throat and we both look away.

A minute later, we're both engrossed in a conversation on Bleach. Don't judge me... I'm in love with anime. After talking a good length on Ichigo being a descendant of a hollow, we decide to cut it short.
The doctor said we were cleared and we could go home, but we must ensure he does less work and eats well. And of course, follow his medicines schedules strictly. I close the front door and place my hand on his shoulder, assisting him. He glares at me and says rudely, "I didn't ask for nurse that flirts with patient's friend!"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't play dumb with me! You think I didn't see the way you looked at him, flirting with him and pretending to be nice!"

"I can't believe you, you're such an asshole! I won't waste my saliva on a fool like you. So why don't you take off your head and shove it into your ass cos that's where you obviously belongs to! Just get a life douchebag!"

"I didn't think I could get a life from the flirting dog with fleas I have to call a wife! I don't blame Yousuf for leaving you but I blame him for leaving me with a dumbass b*tch that flirts with every guy she meets! It's a disgrace that Yousuf left you but being with you is a disgrace itself!" Immediately those words leave his mouth, I hated him at that moment. I hated Yousuf. I hated myself. With the tears that rush down my eyes, I sniffle and miserably fail to wipe the non-stopping tears.
You're stronger than this Aisha!

"I'm not the daughter of a millionaire ofr a king but I'm a woman with dignity. Call me what you want, a man is bound to be a fool but Allah knows my heart and knows me best for He created me. I'm not a being like you who is filled with stupidity and I'm surely not a person whose pants drop everywhere like you. Look, I'm sorry I told you to get me food but I had no idea that the accident would occur. So get it into that empty brain of yours that I promised to your mum that I'm going to take care of you. So live with it, I don't need a session with a jerk like you so you better corporate."

He huffs and walks to the room, using his left hand, he opens the door and lies on the bed. I see him struggling with pillows, so I help him by snuggling them underneath his neck.
I've learned to return a bad act with a good one. Instead of a thank you, he looks away. I reach for his feet and he shakes them. "What do you think you're doing?"

I ignore him and take off his shoes before pulling the covers over him. I turn to leave but he rests his hand on mine. His face softens and he says "I didn't mean what I said. Please don't leave!"

"So you can call me a whore, I'm tired of being your punch bag. There's something called feelings but your stupid arrogance is compressing it!"

"I'm sorry for accusing you of flirting. I was just mad and angry. Never gonna happen again, my oversized hippo of a wife." He chuckles. I laugh too and stare into those annoying brown eyes. He may be a pain in the ass but I just have to deal with it.
I find myself laying next to Omar with his head tilted, half on my shoulder and the other on the pillows I hold his left hand and give it a little squeeze. "That's enough fight for now. Go to sleep."
                            • • • •
I walk into his room and find him trying to use his phone, I collect it from him, obviously trying to help him but throw it back at him in anger. "I can't believe you! You're still with that slut, exchanging nudes. It's a mess I'm stuck with you. I thought you changed after last night but who am I kidding, a pervert once, a pervert forever!" I yell.

"Don't you ever call me a pervert or I swear I will show you what I'm capable of doing! I'm not in the mood for arguing on your nose poking."

"Just take your drugs, I don't want any show that involves you being an imbecile cos I know damn well that you're capable of being an idiot! Stop acting like you're a free set of Victoria Secret panties that I would be concerned about." I take the glass of water to his mouth but he denies it.
"I don't need your filthy hands on it, I'm not paralysed you know!"

"Well I wish your mouth is!" I snap and go to my room.
"Mum's coming over later!" He shouts. I comb my hair and cream it before going downstairs to watch a movie. My phone peeps and I check the message.

Adam: Can we meet up, it's urgent please🙏

Me: What's wrong? text me d place.

Adam: Little Sweet Coffee, opposite Starbucks.

Me: Be there ASAP!

"I'm going out, Adam needs me and it's sounds urgent." I tell him.

"No." He says flately and returns to watching Aladdin.
I scrunch my eyebrows as I open my mouth to talk back.
"Don't start your unnecessary whining because it's still a no. Didn't you hear me when I said that Mum is coming. I won't risk making up a lie to cover up your ass when my mum asks where you are because my wife is with another man who looks at her like pizza."

"You're not the boss of me and it's not like I asked him. He texted me that it's important. I'm going, so deal with it!" I slam the door shut and step out the front door but stop at the thought of leaving him.

Not that I care about him, he isn't even on my "Satan spawns' concern" list. But it's my duty to take care of him, we hate each other, that we both know. That doesn't mean I should neglect the duties assigned to me by Allah as wife.
Come on, even Satan has a heart!

I grunt in annoyance as I walk back to him and see a smirk on his lips.
"I didn't bother wasting my breath, I knew you wouldn't leave me. It seems like I'm a free set of Victoria Secret panties afterall."

Please I need your prayers, I have one more exams to write and it's really a big deal so please pray for me.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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