Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- "You don't expect me to treat you like Cinderella, do you?"

Omar's POV
"You ready for this?" I ask as I walk into Yousuf's room. I don't here his voice, so I knock on the bathroom door. He doesn't answer so I walk in. Maybe he's nervous.  But he isn't there either. My eyes wander round and find a little paper on the bed. I pick and read it. My heart suddenly becomes heavy and I run to find mum. She snatches the letter from me and reads aloud, "I'm sorry but I can't do this." She looks at me with teary eyes and loses balance. Before she falls, I hold her and she stares into my eyes and say, "He can't do this to us, to Aisha. Oh Allah! What will I do? She will be heartbroken when she finds out that her fiancé ran away. We will all lose our reputation and dignity, we will be strip of our respect." Dad walks in when he doesn't see the groom. "Where is he?" Mum simply gives him the letter and his eyes opens. "My reputation?"
I shake my head in dissapointment, "Is that the only thing that matters to you? Your reputation?"
He furrows his brows and stares at no one in particular. "The Prince of Saudi and the so is Mark Zuckerberg. What will we do? This is a disgrace."

He looks at me and says, "Why don't you marry her?"
What the f*ck? "Hell no!" I roar.
"But think of the disgrace it will cause her and her family. The disgrace I will go through." She wails and I see the apology in her eyes begging me to agree. She's my mother after all and I will do this for her. I won't watch her fall.
"I agree to marry her." I mutter and she envelopes me in a hug. "Thank you so much son. I'm sorry."
My dad pats my back and says with a smile, "You made the right decision." I grit my teeth at him and he walks out to tell them of the sudden change of plan.

Karma is a bitch!

They don't take it lightly and her mum slowly weeps, I comfort her and wipe her tears. "Thank you." She says.
How will Aisha take the news? I change my suit and dress into the Arab clothes. Sighing I cover my face with the male head wrap with long ropes fill with flowers that covers my face.

I walk out and see Aisha sitting.
My bride...

Aisha's POV
"I'm sorry sister this has to happen but have faith in Allah. Everything happens for a reason." Abubakar hugs me. Mum comes forward and I cry on her chest, she looks in my eyes and says, "Do you wanna ruin your makeup? See this little baby, you just ruined my dress." She smiles trying to lighten the mood. I weakly smile at her and my mother-in-law comes in, she hugs me hard and apologizes for everything.

I smile at her and assure her that everything is alright but deep in my heart, I know things never will.

This is why I don't fall in love.
Allah tests us in different ways to see how much faith we have in him.

Mother-in-law ushers me into a room to change into another dress so we can head for the walima. I change into a light brown dress and as I step out, my eyes meet him in a royal blue suit and an inner white. He frowns at me and I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. I walk to him and he holds out a hand for me to hold. I look at him bewildered by his sudden care. "I'm only doing this for my mum, get that into your empty brain and don't you think that I did for you cos I don't give a flying sh*t about you." He whispers. I should know better that he can't do such a thing willingly. I lace my hand through his and dug my fingers into his. He winces in pain and with a satisfying smile on my face, we walk together to meet the guests. We sit on the high table reserved for us.

His friends congratulate me and I see Adam and Mama Janice. They walk up to where we sit and Mama Janice gives me a bone crushing hug. "Hey! Congrats on your wedding. I can't believe that you're getting married to Omar. I wish you a happy married life dear and always look out for each other." We nod and Adam also gives us an advice before handing the gifts which we kept aside. Yasmin comes forward and hugs me too, wishing the both of us happiness that I doubt there will be.
"I know both of you don't want this marriage but please take care of my daughter." Mum says as she hugs the both of us. Abubakar hugs Omar and they both exchange a look that I don't understand.

A slow music plays and he asks me for a dance, obviously pretending to care.
I place my hand in his as he lifts me up and he puts both hands on my waist. I stiffen at the gesture and manage to put my hands on his shoulder.
He smiles a little, "You don't look bad, somewhere between beautiful and OK." I return the smile and say, "You too, only that you're closer to ugly."
"You know I'm hot baby." He smirks.
"You wish." After the dance, we cut the cake and feed each other. He puts a slice in my mouth and I pick a slice but rub it on his face before laughing. He laughs and uses a piece of cake as a powder on my face. The guests laugh at our childish acts and we laugh together with them. We take lots of pictures before the two mums push in a room to talk before changing and leaving for our new house.

Immediately we enter the room, the anger that I overshadowed starts to consume me. I can't tell if it's because Yousuf ran away or because I'm stuck with this idiot. Omar hisses and pulls his shirt over his head. I lower my gaze and he realises it. He looks at me weirdly and says, "You're my wife now, get use to it dummy."
I stare at him fiercely and retort, "You think I want an arrogant, selfish, harsh monster like you to be my husband."

He shoots me a glare and grits his teeth as he steps closer to me, he pushes me against the wall and snaps, "And you think I want to get married to a fat cow like you? I'm only saving your family's ass so don't you ever call me selfish! I don't even know what Yousuf saw in you, even my dog wouldn't marry a low class fool like you!" He suddenly hugs me as the door opens. My eyes meet the two mums and I hug him back. "Aww!" They both awe in unison and take a picture.

"Get dressed and come downstairs, everything is ready." His mum says and closes the door. He pushes me back to the wall and mutters, "You say I'm a monster, you haven't met the real monster yet." I swallow a lump in my throat and stare at his dark eyes.

We both change in silence and walk out. "Gather around for a picture!" Mum yells. We get squeezed in the middle and smile fakely. "Put your hand around her waist."His mum orders. He slowly wraps his hand round my waist and I'm forced to put my hand on his chest.

We take more pictures before we get in the car, heading to my new home.  We get there and both parents still insist on more pictures.

I don't know what the heck they're gonna do will all those pictures! Make a magazine?
Omar reads my mind and sadly nods in approval. "Sh*t!" I mentally curse.
The guests slowly leave and Omar is literally forced to carry me in bridal style. They take pictures before they leave and immediately we get to the room, he drops me on the floor making land hard on my back. "Bloody idiot!"
He scoffs and leans closer to me, "You don't expect me to treat you like Cinderella, do you?"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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