Chapter 22

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Guess what? I made all my papers!!!!! Alhamdulilah I'm sooooo happy! This chapter is dedicated to Zahra8686

A friend of mine actually told me not to write a chapter based on Omar's POV ever again and I don't know what to do. So I kind of need your help. Should or should I not? Let me hear your opinions and reasons.
Comment here cos my actions decide on your opinion.

Chapter 22- A free 10 minutes shopping at Versace

"Yes Mr Omar?" I questioned looking at his deadpanned face.
"Mr. Liam will be here very soon, inform the Marketing department to get the stocks ready." He says, eyes glued to his laptop as his fingers presses the keyboards.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask formally, well that's the only relationship between us. I treat him as my boss and he treats me as his personal assistant. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Oh yes, take these dresses to the stones department and bring me my coffee." He replies. I nod my head and pick the dresses before leaving for the stones department. The marketing department becomes so hectic when they hear of his arrival. I don't know who this Mr liam is but I can tell he's very important.
"This place is upside down." Laura states looking over her computer before she stands up and straightens her maroon satin top.

"Who's this Mr Liam?"
She stares at me with shock as if I had said, 'Chris Hemsworth isn't hot!'

"You're kidding right?" She nudges my shoulder but I raise an eyebrow at her which gets me an even shocker expression. If that's even possible.

"Holy Chicken! You really don't know him. He comes here every year and owns the second biggest fashion company in America. I mean who doesn't know him? Oh you." She rolls her eyes. "Every female walking thing practically throws herself at him. It's like getting a  free ten minutes shopping at Versace. He goes to Hotel 17, Room 2 every Saturday."

And now it's my turn to be shocked. "And how do you know that?" She twirls her purple dyed locks. "I may or may have not stalked him. It's not my fault a demi-god comes here every year and girl you haven't seen him yet."  I shrug my shoulders at her drama.

She smirks and says, " You will see for yourself and remember to close your mouth when you do. Jenny goes after him but he doesn't pay much attention to her. He likes ladies a lot but he has tastes. He doesn't go for the 'easy to get' ones."  I unconsciously nod as if she had just given me the lectures of a life time. She hands me a mug of coffee and I thank her. Laura is one of the nicest persons I know, not just in the company but in the world. She might be a little be a little crazy sometimes but I guess that's just the way she is and I like her that way. Taking a sip of my coffee, realization hits me.



"Bye, gotta go!" I scream my way to the coffee place before walking- more like running- to his office. He doesn't glare at me as I enter. Tartarus! He didn't even look at me. Why would he when a blonde goddess is sitting on his laps with her fingers twirling his black hair. She's wearing a raccoon furry coat, it's summer for crying out loud! She  smiles at me and I smile back. At least she looks decent and nice unlike Jenny who looks like a donkey in lingerie slapped with flour. She stands up from his laps and he notices my presence, his eyes shifting to mine. "Oh I'm sorry, it's not...I"

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