Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- "Then I quit."

Eid Mubarak!!
I thank Allah for making us see this day. I need your help with a trailer.
Aisha's POV
I sit on my seat tapping my desk. As a newbie in the company, all the works are put on me but finally I'm done. I breath in and out as I relax.
"Aisha, Get in here this instance!" Omar shouts or should I say my boss. I drag myself to his office and knock before entering.
"Where are the dresses I told you to design?"
"You said they should be ready by the end of the week and it's just Tuesday." I reply. He stares into space before settling his eyes on me. "Well I need them tomorrow."

What! Is this man for real. I haven't designed it not to talk of cutting, getting the materials and sewing. I don't even have a model. "I'm sorry but it's impossible. I haven't designed a thing yet and my shift ends at 3pm and it's already thirty two minutes past twelve. I don't even have a model and I don't have any rough sketches." He raises his brow at me and grits his teeth as if I'm the cause of the problem. He angrily brushes his hands through his perfectly styled black hair. A knock on the door breaks my thoughts. A lady walks in dressed in a perfectly sewed dark mini green silk dress. Her golden blonde hair bounces on her shoulders as she catwalks showing off her transparent stilettos with little green rubies on them. Her light green eyes snaps to me and roams my body. She twitches her nose in digust before faking a smile. I fakely smile back. She walks pass me and kisses Omar. I look away and play with my fingers.
"And this is?" She stares at me.
"This is basically nobody." He says flatly.
"Aisha Ahmad is my name and not nobody." I snap and glare.

He ignores me and goes ahead. "This is your model Jenny Hawkins."
The name sounds familiar, I look at her again and recognise the green eyes. That's the same Jenny he left me for. Are they still together? Anyways, it's not my problem.

I snap back to reality. "Even if we have a model and the materials, there isn't much time to make four dresses." I complain.
"Quit the complaints and do your job." He concludes. I walk out and curse under my breath.
I have to make four long dresses suitable for prom. I take out some papers and draw rough sketches. I get three more models to try the other dresses. Not that I'm done with them.

After getting all the materials needed, I hear the adhan and I leave to pray. I spread my beautiful prayer mat on the floor and start praying. I go for sujood when I hear someone clearing his throat. I ignore it and continue praying.

"I gave you work but you're here praying! End this rubbish now and get to work!" He shouts. Is this man insane? Isn't he a Muslim? It seems that he doesn't know the importance of Salat. I refuse to cut my Salat and he stands waiting for me to end it. My eyes meet his and I walk pass him when I'm done. I completely pretend he isn't there and I focus on the dresses. I can feel his eyes on me. He breaks the silence by saying. "What were you doing?"
I look back at Omar and respond, "What every Muslim should do." He leaves but says, "Do that sh*t here again and you're fired."

I don't care, if he isn't a good Muslim, that doesn't mean that I'm not. Time seems to pass fast, I recieve a video call from Abubakar. "Assalam Alaykum. I'm busy, Insha Allah I will call you."
He makes his mouth in an O form. "Wa alaykum assalam. OK just want to remind you about the date tomorrow." I roll my eyes.
"I haven't forgotten about it, gotta go." I cut the call and shake my head. Trying to get me married.
I take my time to create the dresses and by 3pm. I did one.

I softly knock on Omar's door to inform him of my leave. He didn't answer so I try to open it but it's lock. Should I just sacrifice my night for this? He wants to see me lose so he can rub it on my face but I won't give him the satisfaction. I drop my bag and put on my working glasses. I start cutting and sewing...

(Next day)
He walks out of the office with a little smile on his lips, it seems that he saw the dresses. I had to give the guard some money so he let me stay here till Maghreb. His eyes meet mine and his little smile vanishes. He walks pass me without a word on the dresses.
Well, I don't care. It's not like I expect him to say a thing. The adhan breaks me from my thoughts. I head to the restroom to perform wudu(ablution). But bump into a guy and fall on my butt.

"I'm sorry, didn't see you there." He apologise.
"It's fine, I'm not hurt." I stand up and repair my dress. "Just need to perform wudu. I'm Aisha."
"I'm Adam, I was just heading to the restroom before the whole accident." He said.
"OK.. See you around." I turn to leave. I open the door of the female's restroom before Mama Janice; Omar's assistant calls for me. There isn't a Mama in her name, she's just an elderly woman and the oldest. So it kinda feels weird to call her by her name.
"Yes Mama?"
"Omar called for you, I think it's about the dresses."
What happened?
"How was his impression? I hope I didn't ruin it?" I anxiously ask.
She smiles and assures me, "Don't worry my dear. It must be good because he even smiled."

I pray so. I walk briskly to his office. "Get your things, we're going for McManus fashion show?" He states without looking at me. What! This is like the biggest Fashion Show ever. I can't miss this, it will help me very well with my career.
"Now?" I really have to pray, if there's something I don't play with, it's Salat."
He drops the files in his hands and glares at me. "What did I tell you about that 'thing' you do?"
"I'm sorry, but I shan't be long. It's very important."
He continues with the files. "If you want to pray so much, you can quit."
It's better I quit than to miss Salat. "Then I quit." I say flatly and walk out. I can get another job, right? I put all my things in my bag ready to leave when I hear his voice, "Be fast with the prayer, so we can go." I look at him and nod.

Omar's POV
I have to admit that I was impressed when I saw the dresses. I thought she won't be able to do it, that's why I got backup dresses. Why did I even give her the job? And I also have to admit that when she walked in, She's still beautiful. Those warm brown eyes, full plump lips...
Snap out of it man, she's a nobody and you're the youngest billionaire.

"I'm ready." She clutches her bag. I walk ahead of her and order her to get in the Limo. She looks around and I can't help but shake my head. In a few minutes, we get to the show. Camera and lights flash, everyone taking pictures of me and the paparazzi rush to my side. Trying to get my attention and asking questions. "How do you feel.."
"Are you here to show..."
Numerous questions are being asked and I can barely answer a question without someone asking another. I'm about to go in but remember Aisha. I look around and see her far behind. She holds her bag tightly and looks down. I push pass the crowd and take hold of her. Immediately we get in, I let go of her hand. "What were you doing back there? Are you a fool that you can't follow me?" I shout. She looks me in the eyes and I look away. "Don't you ever call me a fool. Because I work for you doesn't give you the licence to treat me like you want!" She utters.
"Just shut it and follow me. Don't talk till I tell you to."

Aisha's POV
Stupid Jerk! How Dare he? It's not my fault that I didn't go in with him, the crowd were too much for me. I go to fashion shows but this is McManus, all the celebrities come here. I'm merely a rag here. I trail behind Omar like a lost puppy as we meet models, actors and other celebrities.
We meet Mr McManus and talk about my designs and career. Throughout the conversation, I could feel his eyes on me, mentally shooting lasers.

We find our seats and sat. The show begins and unexpectedly, I see my works on the models. I look at Omar and he raises a brow at me.
"Why didn't you tell me that they're for this show? I could have done something better."
He focuses on the show and reply me a minute later, "I think they're perfect."
A little smile breaks on my lips as I focus on the show.

By the time the show ends, I take out my phone and see ten missed calls from Abubakar. I called him back.
"Why didn't you pick up?" He asks.
"Your date is in thirty minutes."
I have completely forgotten about it, I cut the call I take permission from Omar to leave. I hurriedly depart for home, take a quick shower and change.

I breath in and out waiting for my date to come. My eyes search the people and stops on a very handsome man with long nose and a little pouty lips. His brown hair perfectly styled brings out his face and his dark grey eyes captures mine.

Lower your gaze.

His eyes meet mine and his lips curls into a smile.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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