Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- "Oh shut up! I took the pillows!"

Omar's POV
Her eyes open in shock when she realises what I mean. She drops the remote next to me and awkwardly walks to the room.
Damn! She turns me on and leaves.
I go to the room and see her undressing, she looks my way and goes back to undressing. I lay on the bed and check my phone. Glancing at her through the side of my eye, she fidgets with her bra, trying to unhook it. I walk up to her and immediately my hand touches her back, her body becomes tence.

"Don't get yourself all worked up, I'm not gonna do anything to you." I say and she relaxes. I unhook her bra and she mutters a thanks. "Just doing what a husband needs to do." I tease. She furrows her brow, wraps a towel round her chest and go in for a shower. She comes out and goes in with her phone. "What do you need it for?"
"Not your business." She says flatly and rushes back in.

I pick my phone and message her.
You can't even treat your husband well after turning him on with your little move.

"Monkey!" She screams from the bathroom. I wait for her to come out before I go in.

She picks some pillows from the wardrobe and arrange them in the middle of the bed, separating us. She then picks a blanket and cover herself up. I lay next to her but decide to push her off the bed.
"I'm not in the mood for your daily role as an annoying fool." She hisses and lay back.

"But you're in the mood for some grabbing." I smirk. She huffs and says, "Can you not bring that up? It was a mistake."
"What was? And what shouldn't I bring up?" I wink. She grunts and turns off the light. "Goodnight!" I say and she replies, "Back at you goat!"

"Hmm... Coming from an oversized hippo. That sounds nice."

                        •  •  •  •

Aisha's POV
I wake up to the sound of the adhan, I look to my left and see Omar sleeping peacefully. I huff at how innocent he looks. With the bags under my eyes, I walk to the bathroom and make wudu.
I tap Omar to wake up but he holds the covers tightly round him. I tap him harder and he looks up before closing his eyes again.
"Wake up, it's time to pray." I say. He ignores me and hisses.

"Do I have to do this the hard way for you to get your lazy ass up?" He snorts and I sigh. I use my fingers to twist his ear and he yelps in pain. I pinch him with the other hand and he turns making me to let go of his ear. I grab the other ear with force and he stands wincing at the tingling pain. I drag him by holding his ear to the bathroom and ensure he performs ablution.
I spread the prayer mats and tell him start, he looks at me with annoyance before he starts.

After praying, we read the Qur'an but of course I had to force him with a little bit of ear twisting.
When you don't want to use a lighter, this works better and it's safer!

He slumps back on the bed and rearranges the pillows that separates us. I put on my joggers and roll my headscarf. He raises his brow and asks, "Where are you going?"

"For some jogging, you can come if you want. Atleast get that lazy ass to do something."
He laughs and retorts, "So the hippo wants to become a skinny goat. Don't waste your time because I know that your size will only become like that of a seal."

"Can't we just have a simple discussion without arguing?"
He raises his hands in defence, "You started it by calling me a lazy ass."
I smirk and reply, "I was just stating a fact."
"And I was just stating the obvious." I roll my eyes and turn leave but he stops me. "Wait for me."

We lock the house and I put on my new headphone, glaring at him as I connect it to my phone. He ignores me and does the same. And for once, we did something without wrangling. Well not for long, the guards unlock the gate and I unlock the front door and lock it back after I enter.
The loud bangs make me remove my headphone and I gasp as I remember that he's locked outside. I quickly unlock it and apologize.
"Of course you wouldn't hear me screaming your name over the large headphone on your enormous head!"

"Didn't I apologize, why must you always act like a big fool? Oh wait, that too flows in your blood!" I walk in the room and lay on the bed plugging my headphone back so I do not hear his useless rattling. He gets tired and turns off the light before laying.

                         •  •  •  •

Omar's POV
My hand interwines between the folds of the covers till it lands on something soft and smooth. I brush my hands up and make circles with my thumb on the soft surface. I come closer till I feel my body touch the soft and smooth surface.

I stretch my hand through the curves and clasp it, drawing it against my body. I entangle my fingers in the silky hair. Pressing my lips on the neck and perceiving the sweet smell of strawberry.
Wait! Jenny has a flowery smell. Then who the heck is this?

I open my eyes and I am met with a black shiny hair. I yelp and sit as I realize who I was touching.
"Get up!" I snap and she opens her eyes rubbing and yawning. She lays back and pulls the covers over her but it hit her. Oh no! I didn't hit her but awareness that we are on the same bed.
She faces me with a surprised expression before her eyes darkens. "You pervert! Why did you remove the pillows?"

"What! You removed the pillows so you could make me touch you."

She grits her teeth and looks at me, "Why the hell will I want a bloody idiot like you to touch me?"
I fire her an angry look, "Oh lets see, so you can get yourself pregnant and use the child as a way to get money!"

"How dare you! It's better to let a crazy man on the street touch me than a psychopathic fool like you."

"Oh shut up! I took the pillows!"
We both gasp as we see the pillows arranged on the chair.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to comment and click on the star.. Stay blessed!

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