Chapter 45

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I'm about to wrap this book up!
Chapter 45: Dance?

Aisha's POV

Omar got discharged two weeks ago which meant that I happily moved in with a big smile plastered on my lips. It was all rainbows and sunshine, there really is a light at the end of this tunnel. I gladly take back my words on karma shipping me off to his world because now I want to be stuck there, forever.

"Morning your royal chubbiness." Omar comes into our bedroom holding a tray of pancakes with chocolate syrup, potatoes with cheese and hot cocoa. My eyes slide to his body, he's dressed in black tee and grey sweatpants. His long black hair is tied back in a little ponytail. He comes to my side and drops the tray on the bedside drawer. He faces me and plants a kiss on my lips, making my cheeks go all pink.

Damn Omar! A little kiss and you're blushing.

"Looks good, you made this?"

"Yup, this handsome husband of yours sure did." He says proudly making me to roll my eyes.

This whole breakfast in bed is cheesy, not that I'm complaining though. Sometimes you need a cheesy romance to make your morning amazing right?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" My brows crooks in question as he stares at me with a small smirk playing on his lips.

"You're not dressed." He wiggles his brows. I gasp in realisation and push him off the bed as he laughs.

"I'll leave you to that princess." He winks and leaves.

"Ugghhhh!" I groan and get into the bathroom. I perform ritual bath and do all the hygienic stuffs. Once I'm done, I stay in front of the bathroom mirror and stare at my body, accessing it. My boobs feel heavy and my nipples are dark. I think I've gotten a little fatter, I've been feeling dizzy lately and rushing to the toilet most times to vomit. I guess my period would be here soon. As if on cue, I feel a little push. Sitting back, I check my panty and light pinkish red spot confirms my suspicion.

I deliberate on calling Omar to help give me a tampon but calling him is calling Omar which we all know is a sweet disaster and I'm still sticking to my decision of not leaving the bathroom. I start screaming his name loudly till the door opens, revealing a smirking Omar.

"You know what you have to say, right?" He folds his hands stubbornly with a wicked boyish grin.

"Just give me or God so help you I'll smack you." I threaten.

"And how're you gonna do that princess?"

I narrow my eyes at him in annoyance. Oh yeah he's right about that.

"Okay please sweet husby."

"You missed handsome." He complains.

"Ugh, please sweet handsome husby."

He hands me the tampon as his smile widens. "Good girl."

I roll my eyes and wash my hands when I'm done. He later joins me in bed as we eat the meal together.

"Your stomach hurts?" He asks looking at my body unhappily.

"Nope." I'm fine.

I'm definitely a lucky person, Yasmin would be screaming and clutching her stomach in pain. Fortunately for me, I don't experience severe pain, just mood swings and irritation.

"I love you." He says, smiling dearly.

I roll my eyes at him in attempt to hide the heat radiating all over my body. "You said that ten seconds ago."

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