Chapter 44

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This chapter is a bit shorter than the normal chapters I usually write. I'm sorry. As you know it's Ramadan, so Ramadan Kareem! Also, juma'at Mubarak.

Chapter 44: The fault in my heart.

Omar's POV

For the first time in my life, I didn't think about anything. I didn't care about the aftermath, I just did what my heart told me to. I hugged her like my life depended on it cos it does, it damn does. She didn't push me away nor hug me back, even when I drew her closer closing the distance between our hearts.

Maybe I spoke too soon.

She pushes me away and glare. "What is wrong with you? Don't ever touch me!"

"I love you, that's what's freaking wrong with me. I made an awful mistake letting you go and I had be damned if I let that happen again! I was nothing in life, a rich man with no purpose. But you made me something, you kept coming back to me even when I pushed you away. I was trash, I'm still trash and I'll always be trash if you don't let me in. Let me prove to you how much meaningful and colourful you made my life. In all the twenty seven years of my life, I've never felt this feelings for any person other than you. I'm completely in love with you and I know it's cheesy but I can't imagine a life without you. I admit all my faults, I don't care if you do anything to me but please don't shut me out."

Her glare loosens which is replaced by a flat look. "We can't. Wounds don't heal overnight. Feelings don't grow over night Omar."

I step closer till we're few inches apart. "But they do heal in Wakanda, just imagine that I'm your Wakanda." I weakly smile which earns me a little chuckle from her. "Neither do feelings stop overnight. Maybe we could rewrite the stars?" I ask hopefully.

"We can't. I loved you, now I don't think I do." She replies retreating backwards.

"Then why did you kiss me back, why did grab my hair and drew me closer? Because you do, I know you're scared I would hurt you again. But I changed and you're responsible for my change. I'm begging you to give me one last chance. The moment you suspect that I'm hurting you or I'm going to hurt you, you're free to tell me to leave your life and I would walk away." But I know that I'm never going to let her go, love isn't me letting her go, it's us fighting the war together and surviving it like damn warriors.

"I need time to think about it." She walks away to her room.

Aisha's POV

I was a second away from silencing him with a hug and accepting him. I want to tell him that we're good and I love him because I know I still do but I can't. I can't be naive again. A part of me wants to believe him, his words sounded genuine and honest. I'm scared he would once again play me like some toy and hurt me till I can't cry no more.

That was the fault in my heart, it loves him so much. If I want to succeed however, I would have to switch off my heart and use my brain. Unluckily, it's slowly falling for his charms too. The adhan withdraws me from my thoughts. I perform ablution and spread my prayer mat to pray.

I leave my room to make dinner, a simple meal of rice and tomato sauce. On my way back, I stop and groan. Should I take some to him? Maybe just once, this time and that's it. I dish out some rice and sauce in a plate and set everything on a tray before proceeding to his room.

I knock on the door but he doesn't reply. I keep knocking till I get tired and open the door.

My heart sinks and my eyes bulge out in fear as I stare at Omar who seems confused, eyes bulged, staring ahead, up at nothing. His hand suddenly lurches ferociously to his heart, clutching his white shirt in obvious pain. All of a sudden, his legs start shaking as he makes heavy breaking noises deep from his throat.

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