Chapter 24

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I just feel like shutting my life in a book and burning it to ashes right now but on second thoughts, shit happens always right? And life moves on. I literally want to take down this book but seeing a notification that you just voted on a chapter keeps me going. I won't say my life sucks right now but it's kind of going downhill. But Alhamdulillah. So here's just the chapter.

Chapter 24- Professional courtesy

Aisha's POV

I walk through the front door, people dressed in black, everywhere gloomy. I had gone to his dad's and consoled the family. Now, it's time to put the dispute aside and do the right thing. I knock a few times on his door but he doesn't reply. Twisting the knob, the door doesn't budge and I bring out the spare key before walking in. I find Omar bottled up with a bottle which is obviously alcohol and a cigarette in his other hand. He puffs out smoke and looks at it with disgust.

"Can you leave? I want to be alone." He murmurs and gulps down the bottle of alcohol. I ignore him and proceed to where he misreably sat, the first two buttons of his black shirt opened and his black tie dangles loosely round his neck.

"Get the f*ck out of here! Leave!" He screams looking at me with sad eyes. He throws the bottle at me, missing me by mere inches. It crashes on the floor, breaking into pieces and the liquid forms puddles. I sigh and go to my feet, I sit next to him and envelope him in my arms. I take the cigarette away from him and place it on the ash tray. "I know how it feels, trust me, I do. It sucks and you feel that if they can't be here with you then you want to follow them and be with them. But we just have to live with it, getting drunk won't bring her back. From Him we came and to Him we return. Let it go Omar, let it go." The first sob breaks and I feel warm liquid on my shirt, damping my skin. He sniffles and let the tears flow. "I'm here. I'm here." I breathe.

I'm not quite sure how long we stayed in that position, his head on my chest and my hands hugging him. But I open my eyes to see both of us on the floor. I get up and go out of the room. I find Adam at the sitting room with sadness in his eyes.

"I saw that you guys were having a private moment and I didn't want to interrupt so I just waited outside." We both gaze at the sky as I think deeply. She was nice and good, it didn't matter if I wasn't her daughter and a middle class woman. She treated me with kindness. Also protective of the ones she loved and bossy. I remember how she made Omar carry me when we got married only by giving him that mother's look. So caring and funny. She helped the less privileged and organised programs, she welcomed us with open arms. All in all, Safiya was a woman with a big heart. May her soul rest in peace and may she be amongst the ones in Jannah. Ameen. My mind shifts from Mum to Aliya, if Omar didn't go date Aliya, then what was he doing there?

"Adam?" I call. He looks at me and I do the same. "Why was Omar there?"

"That's a question you have to ask him yourself but I have one advice for you. He isn't what you think he is, learn to trust him. He's just putting on a mask because he was taught to. Look beyond that shell, there you will see the real him. He's broken, please don't make it worse." With those words, he leaves and closes the door. Shutting the light that peered from it. Somewhat, shutting the light of hope in my heart. I carefully think of his words and find my way back to his room. He's still on the floor, I take off his tie and shoes. Dragging him on the bed and I assure you that it wasn't easy at all. I stare down at every feature of his face, from his messy black hair that shows he ran through it with his fingers multiple times. His creamy white skin where his full bushy eyebrows rest, down to his long dark eyelashes that sweep on his face. To his straight pointed nose and little pink lips looking a bit pale. His Beard roughly shaved, giving him a rough look from the last time I saw him.

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