Chapter 33

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Sorry for the late update, had to type this chapter thrice. I hope it's good enough.

Chapter 34: Pig on a reality show!
Aisha's POV

"There you're naughty boy."

These words were ringing in my ears, making my head pound rapidly and damn hard. A familiar blonde hair flashes through the screen with a stupid smirk on her face. Her green eyes gleaming with happiness.

My eyes return to the surprised Omar staring back at me. "Please, I can explain." He says in almost a whisper.

"Rule two. Omar why? You went there to be away from me. Why? To be with her, I can't believe you. I'm sorry for interrupting." I quickly disconnect the call to prevent myself from breaking down in front of him. I can't cry because if him, I'm stronger than this.

It doesn't take long for the tears to cascade down my cheeks, staining my gray bedsheets. Why does he keep doing this to me? Why can't I forget about him?

My phone rings twice but I don't pick when I see the Caller ID. A knock on my door cuts me from my thoughts and I wipe my tears.

"Come in." I say, trying my best to hide my cracked voice.

Faisal enters holding a cup of hot chocolate and plate of homemade fries. The sweet smell lights up my face instantly. He sits on the bed and hands me the tray.

"Thanks." I mutter and take a big gulp of the hot chocolate and smile.

"So he messed up, forget about the jerk. Today is no jerk day!"

How did he know what happened?

He looks at me and grins like a five year old. "Sorry I had to eavesdrop. They're all waiting downstairs, come on let's have fun and forget about him." I give him an assuring smile and hastily drink the hot chocolate as it burnt my tongue. The images keep making its way into my head. The thoughts of them together scalded my heart. I'm not going to cry again, but I knew that I was crying in my heart and the tears hurt awfully.

Faisal keeps the mug aside and faces me squarely, his face drops to a frown as he assesses me. "You need to stop loving that jerk. You have to teach him a lesson for breaking a rule and your heart."

"How did you know about the rules?"

His eyes widens as if he realised he said something he wasn't to.
"Oops! You didn't hear that." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly.


"I kind of heard Aliyah and that Loverboy Adam talking. He said something about the jerk calling him. Sorry about that."
Wait, Adam was the person Omar called! So he knew about his departure. Hold on! Did Faisal call Adam, Loverboy?

"I thought you were Loverboy?"

"Nah, I'm heartbroken boy."

"You still love her, don't you?"

"I do, a lot but I'm happy that she's happy. Even if it's not with me." He smiles sadly and I try to change the topic. "Let's go."

He nods and we go downstairs where Karen and Yousuf are so engrossed in their conversation.

How was the video call?"

"Oh yeah, wonderful." I smile at Aliyah. She stops smiling and stares at me. "He messed up with a girl again?"

Before I could talk again, she grinned. "I eavesdropped."

"What's with this group and eavesdropping?" I groaned.

"The Eavesdroppers Club!" She exclaimed. "Last time I checked, you eavesdropped on Omar who was on a call with Adam."

"It was to satisfy my curiosity." I defend.

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