Happy birthday

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Emaza POV (in mm)
It's the only day I dreaded for years...my birthday. I got up and went to the bathroom. My bathroom door doesn't have a lock so I just but my chair in front of it. A few minutes later someone tried to come in.
"I'm taking a shower" I yelled but they kept trying to open it. I knew exactly who it was. Every year on this one day my moms husband comes in my room and rapes me. I been saving up so I can leave and I finally will have the money tomorrow. I was thinking about me leaving and that's when he bust in.
"GET OUT IM SHOWERING" I yelled hoping someone heard. He just started taking his clothes off. I tried to walk out but he grabbed me. He started kissing me, as soon as he did that my mom walked in.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!, you're fucking my husband" she yelled slapping tf outta me. I grabbed my towel.
"No he walked in here coming to rape me mommy" I said crying.
"RAPE..I came in here to get some mouth wash and she pulled me to her mel" he said lying like a mug. She kissed him and rubbed his face.
"Get put you nasty bitch, you're dead to me, don't come back either. All your shit must be gone when me and my husband get home from work" she yelled then spit on me. I was pissed now. I grabbed her by her hair and punched her in the face. Dev picked me up and flung me in to the mirror on the wall. The glass broke, I got some cuts on my arm but my towel was still on.
"I should've aborted you when your m dead beat daddy told me to. You are the biggest MISTAKE every!"

😬Please bare with me..I'm trying
Two days til my sisters birthday 😝🤪😝 she turning the big 21
Sorry for it being short but love you guys🤗

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