Baby back

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(Reagan in mm)
At the house
Maza POV

Me and sai went upstairs and saw all my stuff in the guest room. I had a confused look on my face, then I thought only person that was gone was Dave. I walked out and went downstairs to say thank you but got stopped in my tracks when I saw... my baby.

"Ma ma" she yelled waddling towards me. I picked her up and started kissing all over her. I looked over at sai, momma t and Dave and mouthed thank you. I walked her over to them and handed her to momma t. I grabbed Dave arm and pulled him in the kitchen with me. Once I turned around I hugged him by his waist. He smelt so good and he was warm. He hugged me back and that just made me cry, I don't know why but it did.

"Why you crying ma" he wiped the tears from my face. I just smiled, he kissed my forehead and i went back to the living room.

Dave POV

Me: bro call me
Antman: I'm busy. What's up
Me:bro I think this girl doing something to me
Incoming call antman I laughed cause when we say we busy we be fucking.

"Bro, she went upstairs and must've seen the room..good job by y'all.. so yea then she came downstairs and seen her daughter and she hugged and kissed her then she pulled me in the kitchen-

"She gave you to-

"Nigga no and stop cutting me off, she hugged me and then eventually I hugged her back and she started crying, bro but i wipes her tears bro and kissed her forehead"

"Bro she kinda got you whipped cause you a rude nigga"

"I know man" I sighed and wiped my face

"Well you betta wait it out bro maybe it's just that brother sister type shit"

"10/4" we hung up then I went back to the living room. Ma said we leave for dinner at 7 so ig, they went to nap cause it's already 2. I went upstairs and looked in momma room and she was knocked out, sai was too so I went to check on maza.

"Hey you good"

"Shhhh she sleep" she whispered and put the blanket over the baby body. She put some pillows around her and then she came out the room.

"You not gonna nap" she shook her head.

"I'm not really in the mood to nap, You?"

"Nah wanna go outside then"

"I have asthma" she said pointing at me. I cracked up.

"We just going to talk" we went outside and we talked and got to know each other, we must've talked for a long ass time cause everyone was up now. Maza went to her room to get Reagan.

"Dave did y'all see a box in the closet"

"Nah ian go in the room I was doing something else but we can go look" she nodded.

"We be back, we're getting something from across the street" I yelled so they can head.We left ReRe downstairs with ma.

Maza pov

We walked over there and no one was home (thank god). I went to my room and it was empty, they brought everything except the furniture and sheets. I went in the closet, some of my dresses were in there, I grabbed one for tonight and the box in the closet. I went inside my safe and took the money and my gun out( yea my dad left his gun when he ran out and I kept it) and put them inside the box.

"I told you to be gone when I came back" my mom said which sacred tf outta me cause i thought everyone was gone.

"I'm leaving now, I forgot something"

"So you slept with my husband now you're sleeping with the neighbors"

"Me you know what he was doing to me"

"HE DID NOTHING TO YOU" she yelled causing Dave to run in the room. She started walking closer to me and I took the gun out the box and held it behind my back.

"You're lying ma, you know what he was doing to me, you know I don't have sex ma, I was saving myself for the right person"

"It was that boy Damien that got you pregnant not my husband" she said coming closer so I held the gun out and pointed it towards her.

"Emaza dont do it" I can hear Dave say from behind her. I kept the gun on her the whole time.

"You betta listen to him" she still care closer

"I don't want yo hurt you moms but you need to back up"

"You're not gonna kill me, especially with your own fathers gun, he ran out on you, on us and you still keep him around"

"HE DID THAT BECAUSE OF YOU" I yelled now in tears.

"YOU DUMB BIT- I shot my mom, she was about to slap me and I shot her. I put the gun in the box and grabbed the box and the dress and walked out passed Dave.

"Maza are you okay"

"I'm fine Dave let's go" he called someone and told them to come to my house and clean it up. I must've had blood on me cause Dave stopped me so I can clean up before going back across the street.

"Are you sure your okay"

"Dave I'm okay"

"See you went from okay to fine" I started to get frustrated.

"NO.. IM NOT OKAY, IM NOT FINE DAVE...(I took a breath) I just killed my mother, my step dad is a rapist and my real dad ran out on me so no I'm not okay I'm literally alone now"

"You're not alone maza, you have me, my momma, sai and Reagan" he said lifting my chin up. I smiled at the sound of my babies name. But I guess his words got to me because the next thing you know we were making out.

At Dinner
We went to Dave n busters because we all needed some fun right now. Me and saiyr was about to get in some game but we saw this stand or whatever and it looked sturdy so we got on it and took a few pictures. Oh did I tell you I bought myself and iPhone X. I post my picture on Instagram.

Liked by @daveeast, @sy

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Liked by @daveeast, @sy.cerai and 300 others
Let's just sayyy we click🤞🏾😘

Sy.cerai: yakwtfgo 😝🤪🤞🏾 that's my bestfrannnnn
Da_love: damn mama you look beautiful and who that beside you
_Antman: that's my little sister and my boy girl so don't get fucked up @Da_love
Daveeast: make me run yo shit @da_love

I showed sai the shit and she busted out laughing.

"Damn mama you got em fighting for you" I slapped her arm. And started laughing. We played a few games, ate then went home.

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