Empty house

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Momma t in mmm
Two weeks later
Emaza POV

Me and sai became super close over the weeks, momma t loves ReRe so much, I'm officially the assistant manager of MIRACLE. Amber got the movie offer and she invited me and my new family to come watch the premiere. Y'all probably want to know about me and Dave 🤗. Well we are close but it's not like that. We have a date this Saturday and I'm kinda nervous. I met Antonio (antman) and Jordan(JoJo) they are some cool ass people. We don't open the restaurant til later on this afternoon today and lord I'm happy. Me and sai are going to look for some houses close by but far enough. We googled some and we narrowed our search to three houses. We called the realtors to see the prices and if we can see them and they agreed. We got dressed and went downstairs.

"Hey momma me and maza are going to look at a few houses"

"Want me to come along"


"NO we got it mama thank you so much" sai kisses ma and walked out dragging me with her I waved and she just laughed. I stopped in the den to say by to Dave.

"Where y'all goin" Dave asked looking at me.

"Look at some houses"

"You gonna really leave momma in this house by her self" Dave ask lookin at sai

"What you mean by herself, where you goin"

"David is leaving me too, he been looking for a house, he just bought it two days ago" momma t said coming in the living room looking sad. I walked over to her and hugged her.

"How about every holiday and birthday we come over for dinner and every other Sunday momma t" I said kissin her cheek.

"Oh honey you don't need to do that momma t moving too" she said laughing then walked back to the kitchen.

"Momma this not over but we have to go" said yelled to her then we left.

Dave POV

"What you mean you moving ma"

"I was gonna give this house to sai when you said you were leaving but she's movin too so i guess this can just be the family house"

"Where you going"

"Uptown la, I have a job offer and a man"


"Yes boy"

"Ma how long y'all been talking for you to move in with him" she looked a little nervous so I got nervous too.

"Umm about two years"

"Ma you been talking to this man for two years and didn't tell us about him"

"I wanted to make sure he was legit and we actually have dinner with him and his daughter next Sunday"

"Alright ma" she kissed my head and went upstairs with Reagan. I went upstairs like 30 minutes later to tell me I'm leaving but she was knocked out with  a wide awake Reagan playing in her hair. I smiled and grabbed ReRe and left me a note.

Antman: yo you gonna meet me at the T.H
Me: nah I got my Reagan with me. Bring Zoe and meet me at the park.
Antman: 10/4

I went to the ice cream spat next to the park and got ReRe some ice cream then we went to the park. She started playing so I took some pictures and sent them to maza.

Maza💍: aww look at my babiesss😭😘
Me: babies? 🤨😏
Maza💍: Don't ruin the mood dave. But yes my babies.
Me: okay ma..👀👀
Maza💍: I think we found the perfect house. Oh and why didn't you tell me you were moving.
Me: cause i was gonna wait til dinner Saturday and where something fancy.
Maza💍: 😬😬 okayy

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