Date night p.2

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Emaza POV (restaurant in mm)
I didn't want Dave to see me get dressed so I went to me and sai new house. Sai came with me for help and pictures. We listened to bickenhead by cardi b while I did my make up. Once I was finished with my makeup I took my bonnet off and did my hair.

"Ohh bitch I see you" sai yelled putting the camera on me. I started twerking she slapped my ass then ended it.

"Imma post it" I nodded and finished my hair.

" can you get my dress it's in the closet in the bag" she left so I can put it on.

"Finished" she came in and played like she passed out.

"Damn let me take you out" she said trynna sound like a nigga. I laughed and texted Dave.

Me: we are about to leave
Davey 🤤: alright come to the house I got a surprise here for you

"Sai he said come to the house he got a surprise for me" she nodded

"Alright picture time" she hopped up and put on a fake smile.

"What's wrong"


"Lies, something is wrong saiyr"

"My gf just canceled our plans because she wants me to tell my mom that I'm bisexual"

"She should be understanding why you haven't and why haven't you"

" I was waiting til tomorrow"

"Then wait til tomorrow hun, give me your phone" I called her gf on FaceTime.

"Umm hello" sai looked at me like I was crazy.

"Hi I'm saiyr' former best friend present sister and I wanted you to know that saiyr plans on telling momma T about y'all relationship tomorrow and I also would appreciate if you go out with her tonight because my sister needs it" her gf looked stuck and I found it funny.

"Umm sure tell sai that I'm sorry and I'll be ready in 45 minutes"

"Okay baby" I smiled at sai's girl and hung up.

"You are crazyyy" I smiled and dragged sai so we can take pictures. We took a few pictures and headed to the house.

Me: got held back but we're on the way
Davey🤤: me and ma outside taking pictures, like it's prom day 😂
Me: me and sai did the same🤣🤣

A few second later we pulled up to the house and let's just say my man was looking nice. Him and mama was taking a picture so he wasn't paying any attention so I got out and walked up behind him.

"I know you're behind me"


"I know your smell" that kinda made me scared and horny at the same time. He turned around and looked at me. His eyes were full of something I haven't seen before. He backed up and looked at my whole body and it made me blush. I put my head down and he came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Don't hide from me" when I tell you my knees got week. I grabbed on the his arm cause I felt like I was about to fall. He chuckled cause he know what he just did to me.

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