Davey b-day p.3

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Emaza POV
"Damnnn Maza you look good" saiyr screamed from the door. I laughed and walked inside, hugged her and few people I seen around. I went to check on everything and everything was going great.

"My baby lucky to have you maza, hopefully he marry you"

"Yea..Hopefully" I mumbled the last part, kissed momma t cheek and got on the stage. Some ppl started clapping, boys started whistling, mean looks from some girl but I didn't do anything to them. My phone went off so I looked at it.

Hubby💍 : we outside

I grabbed the mic and told everyone dave is outside be quiet. I got down and went to the door. It opened and in walked my hubby. Before he can say anything everyone yelled happy birthday. He looked down at me and smiled. I grabbed his hand and led him to the stage.

"Say thank you dave and tell them to get ready to turn up or something, I'll be right back" he nodded and I went to the kitchen to tell Nas to hurry before dave walked off the stage. We caught him just in time.

"Davey I got one more birthday gift for you before we start" he sat back down and everyone had there undivided attention on us. I grabbed Nas arm and we walked on the stage.

"I know you told me not to go all out for your birthday but I'm way passed that so I decided to go even bigger, I contacted my girl Rihanna, thank you rih rih-

"YOU WELCOME BHOOO" she yelled from the VIP section

"And well I'll let Nas finish the rest"

"Happy birthday man" Nas dapped dave up and he continued.

"You need to marry this one soon or I will (people laughed and dave mumbles something under his breath) but she told me about your plans on rapping man and Im a fan, she played it for me and let's just say I played with it a bit and I have a little surprise for ya too" right after Nas said that the music started. Me and Nas went to the side of the stage and Chris brown walked out and started singing, he rapped dave up and Dave got up and started rapping with him. They put on a whole performance and my baby looked happy. Once it was done I ran up to him and he hugged me.

"Thank you baby" I smiled.

"Let's get this shit started" Chris yelled in the mic and then the music started and people started doing they own thing.

"Dave so tomorrow morning before my flight let's meet up to talk about this record deal" Dave nodded and dapped Nas up. Rihanna came to me.

"I'm sorry I can't stay longer hun, I have to be up early"

"It's okay, let's have a girls night soon, I'll walk you out"

Dave POV

I watched as maza and rih rih walked off the stage so then. I got down and went to the vip section with the rest of the family.

"Ahh there goes the birthday boy" saiyr started squeezing my arms.

"Liyah get yo girl" she started laughing and pulled sai down beside her.

"So when you gonna marry her dave cause she did all this for youu" Tiffany said taking a sip of her drink.

"She put all this together and two days" ant said adding on to what tiff said

"Yea she I was shook when she walked through the door holding kairi with Tiffany walking behind her" ma said

"You was shook momma t I was shook when she knocked on my door, let me tell y'all this girl knocked on the door, as soon as I opened it she bust through, she was like "listen here I know you don't like me and to be honest I don't care, I love dave and we gonna do this for him" she told me her plan that's when I realized that she really loves you" I smiled at what Tiffany just said.

"I love her too man, I wanna marry her but we just started talki-

"Boy that's the thing, y'all just started talking and she did all this for you" I nodded and sighed

"I love her but we gotta wait y'all, but imma keep her close til then" they all nodded

"Speaking of the devil" ant said as emaza walked up. Everyone stared at her.

"Welll I mean y'all can take picture" Maza said so ant, saiyr, drew and brina took their phones out and started recording her. She flicked them off then she pulled me off to the dance floor. Everyone was lit, even ma was on the dance floor. It was like one big ass block party. I noticed a few girls mug maza but maza didn't care she kept dancing and having fun.

Next afternoon (11:45am)
Maza pov
I woke up this sick asf, I ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. A few minutes later my hair was being held back. I finished throwing up then I brushed my teeth.

"You pregnant"

"Dave I've been pregnant before I never threw up"

"You on the pill" I nodded then stopped and thought about it.

"No I didn't take my lil yesterday I was busy but didn't you where a condom...did you even pull out!? Dave what is wrong with you, I can't be pregnant dave" I started panicking.

"I thought you was on the pill and maybe it was from the drink you had last night"

"I didn't drink dave"

"You did go out for breakfast maybe it was that" I nodded and just went to take a shower. I washed up and just threw on clothes.

"Get ready dave you have to meet Nas" Dave nodded and stopped by me.

"I'm sorry maza, I didn't kno-

"It's okay David" I pecked his lips then went to maza room.

"Good morning love birds.. I'm about to go get my baby and think about a video idea" saiyr said okay and I left to get my baby.

Brit house
I knocked on the door and I heard her yell coming with a country accent. Brit was born and raised in Texas, she moved here to go to college. She opened the door fully dressed.

"You look good amber" I said walking in.

"Ahh hush it, I have a lunch date" i squealed

"With whooo"

"This boy name Antonio" I instantly thought of ant but that nigga to hood for sweet Brit . She showed me a picture and it was definitely antman. I guess I looked surprised cause she turned red.

"Oh my is he you-

"Oh no ma'am....he is not my boyfriend, I just wouldn't have thought you would be interested in a man like him"

"I'm tired of being single and turning down every man that said something to me so when Antonio started talking to me instead of trying to holla at me I became interested" I smiled. That's one thing about ant, he respected women who respected themselves.

"I know how you feel, I been there trust me, but enjoy your date"  she smiled thanked me and handed me a sleeping ReRe. I put ReRe in the car and started driving we were at a read light when this black suv pulled up behind us, I wouldn't pay it any mind but it was close asf. I started driving and the car speeds up goes around a me and then stops in front of me. There's really no one out yet because rush hour doesn't start til like 2 and we also aren't on like a main strip. The man gets out the car and I take my razor out cause he's wearing all black with gloves on and a hood in the beginning of June. I just new some shit was about to go down. I locked the door and drove towards him to hit him when-POW POW....

What happened to emaza?!
Did they shoot her?
What about ReRe?

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