Better day

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Emaza POV (saiyr in mm)

"Hey emaza you didn't get my text this morning?" Amber asked from somewhere in the store.

"No I had some issues with my phone, why what's wrong" she popped up from under the counter. I work at "miracles" Amber owns it and she's a peculiar  lady.

"How do I look" she stood up and did a complete 360 and let me tell you. (Outfit below) the outfit is so her, her outfits fit her personality though that's why I like her.

"You look wonderful, what's the black and white attire for" she ran behind the counter and grabbed a book.

"I have a meeting with..a movie producer" she said so excited. I screamed and pulled her into a tight hug. But then I was confused, why did she pull out the book.

"The book...I need you to read over this because if I get to be in this movie I won't be here everyday and I need someone to run the restaurant" she said handing me the book. I smiled super hard and took the book.

"We will be closed today and tomorrow, you open Monday morning at 8 all the cooks should be here by  9, food should be ready to be cooked by 10. Got it" I nodded fast. I'm literally lost for words, this would be so fun.

"Okay. Before I live" she said handing me and envelope. I looked inside and there was a big ass stack of money and keys. I counted the money and it's like $1,050 in here.

"I can't take this" I said trying to give it back

"Oh please you deserve it now you go ahead enjoy your day and get your phone fixed so we can keep in touch"

"Okay ms. A thank you and good luck" I yelled but she was already out the store. I smiled, locked the store up and went to find saiyr and momma t.

 I smiled, locked the store up and went to find saiyr and momma t

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Saiyr POV

"Momma she's not gonna like that"  she was trying to get emaza a purple and white bed set but it wasn't a cute purple it was a shitty brownish purple.

"Well she's coming now so we can ask her" emaza came over with the biggest grin on her face.

"What you so smiling so hard for" she's really pretty.

"Well I went to work and my boss must've texted me the new buy the situation this morning, well anyways I get to work and she gives me this envelope and this book and tell me she's leaving me to run the restaurant if she gets this movie deal" she said all that I'm like one big ass breath.

"Well damn baby that's great, so why don't we go celebrate tonight" momma suggested hugging maza. I nodded and maza smiled, I grabbed her arm and we started walking around with momma. We talked, laugh and got to know each other until momma got tired.

Dave POV

Me and my boys got emaza step father on his way out the door. Her moms was gone, so we tied him up in the bathroom just to ask questions and to get the rest of her shit.

"Where is her daughter!!" I yelled cause the bitch ain't say anything. My boy ant cane over and punched the nigga in the face but he still ain't answer ant was about to stomp this nigga dick in when he answered us.

"She's at the daycare on pine street" I nodded. The other boys took the nigga to the warehouse and me and ant took the rest of her stuff to my house.

" yo bro why you doing all this for a bitch you don't know" ant asked causing me to snap my head back.

"She a moms by that nigga who raped her bro ian with that shit, and don't call her a bitch til you get to know her" I said he nodded then we took the shit inside. We were washing our hands and shit til I got a text from sai

Baby sis🤞🏾💕: bro you almost done cause ma ready to go and we gotta nap and shit cause we going out tonight

Me: yea we almost done

Baby sis🤞🏾💕: 10/4

"Thats my baby" I died laughing

"Ant you know damn well sai don't pay your ass any attention" he sucked his teeth making me laugh harder.

"Boy I got to go, moms waiting on me" I got my shit and left.

Jen🙄🍆 : hey daddy. You want me to come over😉
Me: nah I'm with my family

That bitch annoying, she text me bout every day wanting some dick. Her head not that good bro, she just cute with a fat ass. Once I got to the mall, they came out with like twelve bags in each of their hands🙄. I popped the trunk and got out to help.

"Y'all had fun I see" emaza smiles at me and put her bags in the trunk.

"Yes we did" momma said handing me her bags then kissing my cheek. Ion care what anyone gotta say imma mommas boy.

"That's good so what we celebrating" I could tell it has something to do with emaza cause right after I said that she started grinning.

"Me and maza moving in together" sai screamed out making my momma choke on her water.

"When we said this" momma said making me laugh.

"I'm sorry momma t, I told sai that I don't like living off of ppl and I was gonna move wants I find a good place and she must've decided to move in" she said the last part slowly side eye the fuck out of saiyr. I couldn't help but laugh cause the way momma slapped sai in the back of the head was hilarious. Then she gonna pop me for laughing.

"Why you hit me"

"Cause you laughing"

"I'm grown"

"Boy what you say don't make me embarrass you"

"I said let's go ma" maza and sai started laughing

At the house
Maza POV

Me and sai went upstairs and saw all my stuff in the guest room. I had a confused look on my face, then I thought only person that was gone was Dave. I walked out and went downstairs to say thank you but got stopped in my tracks when I saw...

Who do you think maza saw?
What do you think about Dave?

Talk to y'all later🤗 bye lovessss😘

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