Early birthday

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Time jump: 4 1/2 months later ( late April)
Omniscient pov

Dave music his hitting the charts meaning that he may go on a tour soon. Ceraadi is doing good. Saiyr and Aaliyah are still together. Momma t is getting married in months. Brit is pregnant with ant's baby but nobody knows yet not even ant. Emaza is still taking online classes for business management. Amber plans on giving miracles to Emaza. Emaza  manages to work in the afternoon, school work at night and ceraadi on the weekends. Emaza feels horrible about not being able to spend time with her kids but she plans on dropping something so she can spend time with them.

Emaza POV
Today is Wednesday and I finally have free time but I want to spend it with my babies so I get up and put clothes on. I put my phone on do not disturb and went to get them out of bed. My babies are growing fast, Gabe is walking at 7 months but hasn't said a word yet and ken is the exact opposite. I fed then then took them to the bathroom and washed them up and put clothes on them. I left a note for Dave and headed out.  I had them in the stroller and we walked to the park. It's like 6 in the morning so all the drug dealers just getting home and the actual legal workers are just getting up. I sat on the bench and took out some gerber snacks for them. I watched the sunrise and it was beautiful.

"Emaza" I looked around and I saw someone coming to me with shades on.

"Who are you" I pulled my babies closer to home me, the person stopped walking.

"Uhh  not gonna come closer, its me Devon"

"Why are you talking to em.. how did you get out"

"I told them everything, gave up Damien and I signed the restraining order"

"What restraining order"

"You put one on me"

"No I didn't"

"I had a trial a month after they arrested me and they said you put a restraining order against me saying I can be no closer than this"

"I didn't do that Devon, I hate you but I wouldn't have put a restraining order against you"

"Oh well someone did and I'm sorry Emaza for everything I did to you, Im getting help, and I'm sorry for your lost and congratulations" he waved then walked away. I felt bad for the man, I mean he did treat me horrible but he was still my step dad and the father of my deceased baby. I wanted to know who put the restraining order on him.

Mi familia🧡
Me- restraining order..really guys, when y'all wake up I need answers!

I put my phone back on do not disturb then I headed to the cafe around the corner. I walked inside and sat down with the babies under the umbrella, looking over the menu.

"Heyy Emaza" I looked up and it was amber and Rihanna.

"Oh my Heyy What brings y'all here" I hugged them.

"We came to grab some food"

"Is the movie almost finished" they nodded and amber was playing with the twins cheeks.

"You should come watch us do this last scene" I nodded and took a sip of my water.

"Of course lets get some food" we ordered some food, ate then headed back to the movie set. I got to meet a lot of people. I took a picture and posted it on Instagram.

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