Nasty 19 p.1

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Emaza POV (tristin in mm)
This is the one day every year that I always hated. I woke up and Dave wasn't in here with me, I looked at the baby monitor and they weren't in there cribs so I went downstairs to the basement and there was a note on the door.

"Good morning beautiful, me and the kids are running some errands, I turned your phone off cause it was annoying but I want you to run the bath and relax you, I love you dave" I took the tape off the door and went back to the bathroom. I turned the water on and while that was getting ready, I brushe my teeth and washed my face. I dimmed the lights then got in the tub.

Dave POV Me and the twins left early this morning to go run some errands

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Dave POV
Me and the twins left early this morning to go run some errands. I picked on some fruit and breakfast food, I went to the mall and got her more birthday gifts, I dropped all that stuff to the ceraadi house. We got out the car and walked up the driveway. Both of the twins walking now and they have a vocabulary list of 5-7 words. Sabrina opened the door.

"You don't even live with uncle joe nomo" she sucked her teeth

"Not since Andrew started bringing them nasty behind girls over there when daddy at work" she picked up the twins and took them to the couch.

"Saiyr" I yelled her name but Ian get any answer. I started walking closer to her room.

"Ahh I wouldn't do that if I was you"

"Why" a second later I heard moaning.

"You betta get it sai" I yelled into the door, her and Aaliyah busted out laughing. I walked away and went to the backyard. They got so many damn floats blown up, the pool and the backyard is clean.

"We been up since 2 bro, she lucky we like her ugly ass" I laughed and hugged saiyr.

"I'm bout to head out just had to check on everything, when y'all photo shoot"

"Uhh Sabrina when the photo shoot"

"I need to put the time on Aaliyah pussy then you'll know" I started laughing, Aaliyah looked embarrassed.

"Girl just tell me the damn time befoe I kiss you" saiyr started coming towards brina.

"Stop i got the babies in my hand and it start at 1 and the party start at 3" I nodded.

"Y'all keeping the kids, I'll pick em up when I drop her off for the photo shoot" they nodded, I kissed the twins bye then i left. I FaceTimed Tiffany to see kairi.

"Hey Dave Uhh right now not the good time" she said letting a moan out too. I laughed.

"Alright, kairi got room for one more half sibling" she laughed and we hung up. I'm glad to see her happy, I open the door and Maza walked downstairs with a robe on.

"You need some help baby" i shook my head cause I had the bread hanging in my mouth. She came over and took two bags and the bread. I kissed her lips once I put the bags down.

"Happy birthday baby"

"Yea..thanks" I grabbed her waist.

"What's wrong Maza" a tear fell andshe quickly wiped it.

"I miss ReRe..I always hated my birthday but once I spent more time with Reagan I accepted what happened to me because it gave me her"

"I miss her too baby and I'm glad you accepted what happened. How about before I take you to ceraadi house we go see her"

"Why we goin there and where the kids"

"You have a photo shoot and they with saiyr" she started choking on air.

"A photo shoot"

"Yea two kill two birds with one stone it's for your birthday and "we in here" cover" I hugged him.

"Don't hug me baby that was all Sabrina" she smiled.

"I'm hungry and I wanna see my kids" she pouted.

"I'm about to cook and saiyr wanted to give us alone time" i said walking closer to her grabbing her waist again, she pecked my lips.

"That's cute and all but Ian forget about the restraining order" I sighed.

"Baby I didn't do itttt" I started putting cause bro Ian have her in so long.

"Aww that's cute but I want you to tell me who did" Ian wanna give her moms up because they just got a relationship where she calls her mom, but I needed some pussy.

"Mann if I tell you will you wait til tomorrow to deal with all of this" I was smart because I'm taking her on a vacation and our flight leaves tomorrow so point dave. She nodded.

"It was yo moms" she smiled and crashed her lips against mine. I bit her lip and she allowed my tongue explore. I picked her up and took off her robe and she was naked underneath.

"You ain't have clothes on, you planned on fucking" she nodded.

"Even if you didn't tell me" I ducked my teeth and bent her over the table. Point Team maza. I took my clothes off and started hitting it from the back, her shit was tight.

"Damn Maza you tight asf" I seen a smirk come on her face and she started throwing it back. I smacked her ass and she let out the most sexiest sound ever. I picked her up and put her back against the wall and started hitting every organ I can.

"Ahh damn dave" she scratched my back so I decided to fuck with her, I stopped moving.

"Why you stop dave"

"Cause you wanna make me wait for this so beg for it" she sucked her teeth.

"Really dave you being childish" I thrusted inside her causing her to gasp.

"Dave please" I still ain't move she got in my ear and whispered.

"Make me cum daddy please" I did ask asked plus more. She started riding my dick, she got off and sucked me up and let me bust in her mouth.

"Damn Maza" she smiled and got up grabbing my hand leading me to the bathroom. This time we just took a shower. We got out got dressed then went back to the kitchen. Maza lit candles and cleaned the table off. I finished cooking and made our plates, we ate, talked then headed to the cemetery.

Emaza POV

"I wanna go by myself if that's okay" he nodded and I kissed his cheek and left. I walked towards the headstone but there was a man there putting flowers down.

"Excuse me" he looks up and it was Devon. He gets up and backs up.

"I'm to close and I'm sorry, my doctor told me I needed closure and I felt like this would be good and I didn't know you would come now" I started walking towards him but he backed up.

"You can stop moving, I didn't put the restraining order on you my mom did" I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. I got in my knees and pulled him down with me.

"Look Emaza i really am sorry"

"Don't be, that situation gave me her"

"But my crazy ways got her killed, I didn't kill her Maza, Damien did. When I walked out the room with you he was shaking her cause she wouldn't stop crying, I tried to save her emaza" he started crying and I looked at him.

"It's okay, Devon, it really is. You're a good man just had crazy ways, I'm gonna get this restraining order lifted and we will have a bond together, here's my number" I gave him my number and we sat there and prayed.

"Happy birthday Emaza..I love you baby girl" he hugged me then kissed the gravestone. He got up and walked away. I kissed the gravestone and left, I never been happier.

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