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Emaza POV
Two weeks later
"Ma'am you have to slow down and tell me what happened from the beginning " I took in a deep.

"I just picked my daughter up from the nanny and It was around 1:30-1:40 because it wasn't really anyone in the street. This black suv pulls up behind me, I start driving and then he speeds out in front of me I try to hit him someone shoots my tires, once the car stops my, my daughter is crying and then men are walking towards me..."

"Take your time" the lady cop says handing me some water.

"I previously locked the doors so they had to punch the windows to unlock the car, I tased the man that tried to get me but he punched me and said that he wasn't gonna take my daughter but because I did that they are gonna take her too, they put something over my mouth and I passed out"

"How did you get here"

"They had me in this really dark room, everything was cemented just painted black, there was a window that's how I escaped , there was also a mattress in the corner that they let me sleep on. They would come in-

"Who's they"

"Uhh don't know really their names, everyone had their faced covered unless they were tricks"

"So you seen the tricks" I nodded and took a sip of my water.

"This one girl slept in there with me for two days, she told me her real name, it's umm umm shit-

"It's okay ms.dilan take your time

Dave POV

"Bro it been two fucking weeks and we can't find her man" I screamed sitting on the arm of the couch. My phone started ringing and ant answered it.

"Hello-yea he here-Okay- thanks man we on the way"

"Yo bro emaza at the precinct" I jumped up with a smile on my face. Momma t, saiyr, jojo, uncle joe and basically the whole family followed me out the house. We went to the precinct and I went inside leaving everyone outside.

Emaza POV
There was a knock on the see through glass and the officers walked out. A few seconds later they came back in looking sad.

"Umm ms.dilan, we have good news and bad news"

"Uhh okayy"

"Good news first.. so we contacted David, he's on his way and we found Reagan" my face lit up but quickly changed cause they still looked sad.

"No-no-nnn, she's not dead, y'all are's a joke.. give me my baby" the male officer walked up to me and held me as I broke down.

"Ms.dilan we will find out who did this, we are running security came-

"How did she die"

"She was severely shaken by whoever was watching her" I nodded and wiped my face. I wanted revenge for whoever did this.

"Am I allowed to leave" they nodded.

"Ms. Dilan make sure you see a psychiatrist" I nodded and walked out. To see dave waiting for me, he hugged me and I hugged him back, I missed his arms. We say bye and thanks to the police and we head outside, I saw the whole family and smiled. Everyone just hugged me and no one asked about ReRe so I assumed Dave told them. Once we get to the family house. Me and Dave are laying in the bed.

"Hey Dave"

"Yea mamma"

"They shook her to death" I sat up and looked him in the face.

"I know baby, and I'm gon-


"No I don't want you involved any more than I put you in"

"David, Reagan was my damn baby, I'm not hurt about what they did to me but they killed my baby and I'm gonna get all of them regardless if you like it or not" at this point I'm in tears. Dave wiped my tears and kissed me. I got a text from officer mike

Officer mike: hey ms.dilan, I wanted to let you know we have some great news, come to the precinct or call me when you get a chance

I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. As soon as I hit the step everyone looked at me.

"Y'all stop staring at her" momma t yelled from the kitchen. They all turned their heads and finished doing what they were doing.

"Thank you ma" she smiled and gave me a cupcake.

"That's for being strong baby" I smiled and took it outside with me. I called mike.

Hello, this is emaza

Hey, ms.dilan, every told me to save the new for tomorrow but after the day you had, you need to hear this today.

Thank you..what's the news

Well the hospital got a hit off of the semen

Great..who was it!!

It matched a man named Devon Roberts, do you know him. At this point I was choked up, I thought he was dead.

Yes I do, Devon Roberts is my step dad, he raped me  when I lived with him and my mother Kimberly stanfield-Roberts

That's the other good news, the name you gave us at the precinct of the trick wasn't her name it was her picture though, why don't you get some rest and in the morning we can talk about this some more

Alright great, thank you so much

You're welcome

I hung up and went back inside. Everyone was at the table eating, there was a spot for me but I needed to tell Dave this in private.

"Umm David can you come here please" he looked around the table and saiyr started chuckling

"I don't think there's any other David at the table man" uncle joe said slapping Dave's neck. We laughed and dave got up and followed me.

"Umm well officer mike called and he said that they got a hit off the semen-

"What semen, maza did they rape you"

"No..I mean yes well in a way no"

"What do you mean"

"Dave I don't want to ruin your appetite so just listen to what I'm telling you"

"Alright but you gonna explain later"

"Okay, so mike called and said that the semen was my step dad's-

"How is that possible I had my boys kill him"

"Well who did you have kill him cause obviously they didn't do a good job and also my moms alive"

"How if you-

"I don't know dave, she was in the room with me for two days and we were talking, she didn't look like herself though dave, her hair was cut short, she was supper small and fragile"

"They must've got fake names cause in the data base, it was her face with a different name that she gave me"

"Well I guess this is good news" he hugged me.

"I know right but we basically apologized to each other, I didn't know that was her but now it makes sense, we need to help her and get justice for my baby"

"Our baby" we kissed and went back in the kitchen. The rest of the night me and Dave laid in bed and watched movies and talked.

Sooo she feels sorry for her dead/ undead mother.

Her step father is back and he's not better.

Who do you think are the rats in this operation.

Love you guys😘 vote, comment and read on😊

Keep your head high because the good thing bout hitting rock bottom is that there is only one way to go and that is UP! 🧡

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