X-mas eve

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Emaza POV

"Think of all the fun I missed, think of all the fellas I haven't kissed. Next year I could be just as good if you check off my Christmas list" I was singing as I did my make up, I don't know about any of y'all I loveeee Christmas.

"Santa honey, one little thing I need-

"The deed" I looked back and Aaliyah was walking in singing with me.

"Good morning girly" she hugged me then touched my stomach.

"Goood morning" I kept dancing to the music.

"Someone is happy"

"Yea, I'm going to treys family house tonight for dinner" she awe'd then started doing her makeup we were both dancing, singing and doing out makeup. I finished and went back to the room and got dressed. Imma wear something baggy now and change later. I put on my jacket and couldn't button no more but two buttons.

"You got big now" Sabrina said coming in my room. I laughed and sighed. Sabrina been leaving with us since her school been on break. Talking about school I start online school after Christmas break.

"Yes girl, I'm ready for them to come out so I can actually go to college and not do online classes" she nodded and hugged me.

"Well atleast you get to do that" I nodded and she went to get ready. Me, Aaliyah, sai, and Sabrina are going last minute Christmas shopping.

At the mall

"Ohhh y'all stop, I wanna take pictures" Aaliyah screamed like we not right beside her. We laughed and took some pictures and posted them.

"So you getting dave something" I chuckled.

"What's funny"

"Imma give him these papers" I handed them the papers and they read em.

"Emaza you can't do this to him, I understand him leaving is wrong but this" Sabrina had a point.

"Fine I won't give these to him, but let him get on my nerves and I will be petty" they laughed and we kept walking.

Dave POV
I just landed and Tiffany is coming to pick me up so we can go shopping for kairi.

"Hey Dave, hows New York" I hugged her and we walked and caught up til we got to the car.

"So what are you getting maza for Christmas" I sighed cause I really don't know.

"Just get the kids some things dave" I nodded and we headed to the mall.

Emaza POV

We just walked out of foot locker and there's a whole bunch of screaming happening.

"Damn must be Beyoncé down there"

"I like Beyoncé but if nicki down there let me know" Aaliyah said making us laugh. As we got closer you can understand what they were screaming.

"DAVE..DAVE..OVER HERE..HEY DAVE" was all I heard.

"Well I guess dave home" saiyr said sounding a little upset. I looked over and I saw Tiffany. She must've saw me cause she came running.

"Heyyyy baby momma" i opened my arms and we hugged.

"Hey hun, you about to pop" she rubbed my stomach.

"I know girl, I'm ready for them to come out"

"So are we" they said at the same time making us laugh.

"Hey emaza" dave said walking over, he looked fine asf.

"Hey David"

"Uhh ho-

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