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Emaza POV (it's the next day)
Me and saiyr in the studio working on active. Sabrina says she don't want to sing just dance so she dances with us and be with us when we post videos. I'm not mad, I just want to know who did the restraining order. Imma get it from dave first cause I let him sleep in the bed with me but we ain't have sex since the day I got pregnant and he be on me every chance he get. I put my headphones on and I start singing.

"I show up, I show ooout, best believe I get active, get real active yea" then saiyr starts raping. We finish up then head upstairs.

"Momma" Kennedy yelled walking to me on her knees. I picked her up and kissed all over her, then walked in the kitchen. Dave and Aaliyah was in there eating.

"Wooow so y'all wasn't gonna tell us yall made lunch"

"Man y'all was down there vibing" dave said biting his sandwich.

"It's koo though we bouta go pick up brina so we can make this video" saiyr said sitting down next to Aaliyah

"What y'all doing"

"We gonna dance"

"To what" dave asked being mad nosey

"If you wanna know you come with us or wait til we post it"

"Thank youuu sai" dave sucked his teeth and pushed saiyr out her seat.

"Well I'm coming with y'all cause I missed my baby" liyah said grabbing her purse.

"We all coming" dave went to put shoes on the babies. We got in two separate cars and drove to the school. I texted brina that we were outside. She came out with some boy carrying a camera.

"Why all y'all came" she laughed waving at saiyr.

"Cause they were asking mad questions but who dis"

"Oh this is my friend tristin, he new here from Florida. He needed a ride so I asked to use his camera"

"Hey I'm emaza and that's dave but he ain't paying any attention, you got skills"

"Yea i do"

"Alright then get in" they got in the car and dave looked in the back.

"Who the hell is this" dave yelled looking mad.

"Boy shut up, he was having a full conversation with me" I pulled off and headed to the fountain. We all got out and got ready. I had my speakers connected to my phone. Tristin got his camera ready.

"Aye that was lit but who has a laptop so I can edit it" trintin said looking at the video.

"You can use mine if you can come over" he nodded and walked to the corner and called someone.

Trintin pov

"Hey Mrs.johnson can you watch moni for two more hours"

"I can do 1 trin, when is your mom coming home"

"Uhhh she said Thursday but I'll get her in a hour"

"I'm sorry baby"

"It's okay" I sighed and hung up. I left Florida a week  ago with a thousand dollars and my little sister. My mom would come home at wee hours in the morning and be high on lord knows what. One day she was gone so I got a bus tickets from Florida to here. I leave moni with Mrs.jackson, she lives a few doors down.

"I gotta an hour then I gotta pick my little sister up from the nanny" they nodded and we left. We pulled up to this nice ass house. Growing up we lived in ragged up shit, we had to still the shit we get, like this camera. My dad was selling drugs and I told him I wanted this camera and he stole money from his boss to get me this camera. My ole man died for my happiness and I'll never forget it. We got up and headed inside and it smelled good asf. I haven't eaten in days cause, I can't afford it, I used my momma stolen card to pay for this months rent and used some cash for lights and water. So I have about 500 dollars in cash and 300 on the card. I have to feed and take care of my three year old sister.

"What's that smell" I asked trying to cover up the fact that my stomach was growling.

"It's the Ham and cheese sandwiches them to made before we left, you hungry" saiyr asked

"I can eat" I said trying not to sound homeless. Emaza came back down with the laptop and handed it to me then she took the twins and went back upstairs. I put my chip in the laptop and went to work.

40 minutes later

"I made spaghetti" saiyr yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm done, come look at it" I hooked the laptop up to the TV and played the video.

"Ayyyyee that's niceeee" saiyr yelled. They started dancing and we all laughed.

"I saved the video in the file labeled choreography" Maza nodded.

"You did great, let's go eat" I looked at the time.

"Uhh actually I have to get going, thanks for everything"

"Thank you, I'll take you" Sabrina offered

"Nah you stay here I'll be back" they gave me a plate and we headed out.

"So where the nanny at" I put my seat belt on.

"Uhh new hope apartments" he made a face but I didn't say anything. New hope apartments don't have the best apartments but they are apartments. I

"So what made you leave Florida and come to L.A" I clear my throat.

"My momma got a job offer"

"And y'all living in the worst apartments in the L, I'm not dumb, what's good with you" I sighed and rubbbed the back of my head.

"Ion need no charity case man"

"See nah when nigga say that they lifestyle fucked up" he pulled over in the gas station.

"Everybody shit get fucked up some sooner than others, I'll work through my shit bro" he nodded and pulled out then kept driving.

"I use to live in east Harlem, we moved from there when my dad took over some drug shit down here, that drug shit my father was into almost had my family killed and got him killed. That same drug shit took over my life. When someone asked me did I need help my pride got in the way man. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Emaza, I saved her from her fucked up shit and I didn't even know she was gonna save me"

"Damn man.. I'm sorry bout to pops, my dad got shot for this camera, it was two months before my sister was born and three days before my birthday. I told my old man I wanted this camera. I knew I wasn't gonna get it cause growing up we lived in shit, new hope has nothing on our florida apartments. My dad would sell drugs for twice the price but only give his boss 1/2 of what he was supposed to give em, he stole and died for my happiness man, for my greed. Since his death my moms been on drugs, bringing random niggas over to the house. I got tired of that shit and I stole money from my own moms to get here"

"You living alone"

"Nah with my sister"

"How old is she"


"How y'all eating"

"I don't, my first meal since I touched L.A soil will be this spaghetti, I bought the apartment we in for 500 and turned the lights and shit on"

"How old are you"


"Ight since you don't want any charity, how about I'll do you one better. Imma talk to Emaza tonight and see if y'all can live in her childhood house, you still have to get a legal job and pay the light and water bill, but if you need help don't be afraid to ask"

"I'll take that. Thanks man, her house on the right. I can walk home from here" I dapped him up and got out.

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