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Emaza POV 5 days later (twins in mm)

I been out the hospital for 2days. I'm still not 100% with dave but he wanted us to be at his house. I just finished washing Kennedy, dave had Gabe with him in the basement doing something. He been down there for days and sometimes nights, but he always takes the kids.

Trey😊:Good morning, how's mommy life
Me: it's a lot but it's not so bad right now
Trey: can I come by later and see them.
Me: sure

Me and trey had a talk about our relationship. I told him that I will always have love for dave and I don't want to get deep in our relationship and I fall in love with dave again, so we kept it at a friendship relationship.

I put clothes on her and we headed to the basement. I went to open the door and it was locked so I knocked. He ole the door with a smiling Gabe.

"Hey I was wondering if you was hungry"

"Yes I am thank you and he closed the door" opened it kissed kens head then closed it again.

"You see how daddy be doing us girl"

"Don't try to turn my daughter against me" I laughed and headed to the kitchen. I put her in her sky high chair from paw patrol. I don't know where ant and brit got these high chairs from cause they have this neck support thing for babies then you can take it off when the baby cans support their own necks.but I turned on music and she started smiling. I made mine and dave plate and grabbed ken so he can eat. I texted Dave and told him food was ready. He came up with Gabe and started feeding him.

"So what are you doing in the basement" he looked at me and smiled.

"Don't worry about that right now" I sucked my teeth.

"Trey, tiff, kairi, saiyr and Sabrina coming over" he nodded

"Oh the boys coming over too" i burped ken and then put her to sleep. One thing about her she eats then goes to sleep instantly. I got a text from tiff saying she was outside so I checked on ken then went to open the door.

"Heyyy girll" I laughed and hugged her and kissed kairi head.

"Hey yall"

"I wish I had metabolism like you cause you don't even look like you just had twins" I laughed.

"Girl it was all that dancing I been doing before and during my pregnancy but I'm really gonna start dancing now" I faked twerked and she started hyping me up.

"I knew that was y'all up here being loud" we laughed and kairi ran to dave. There was a knock at the door and I opened it. In walked saiyr, Sabrina, jojo, and and amber.

"Aye look at the girl bodyyy" I laughed and hugged them. Me and the girls went to the empty room and hooked up the cameras and light.

"You should make this room into a little ladies room for you" I nodded.

"What we gonna video tape"

"Uhh let's do a Valentine's Day playlist"

"Let's wait for the beginning of February to do that, let's make a 2000s playlist "

"Let's get this shit thennn" saiyr yelled plugging the phone in

Dave POV
"When do you think this gonna be finished bro" ant asked holding Gabe.

"Ion know man prolly tomorrow morning, I just gotta paint, imma do that when the kids ain't in here" they nodded looking at kairi play with my phone on the floor.

"You a dad of 3 bro" I smiled

"Nah man 4, Reagan will always be mine"

"Aww you still soft for the girl" I slapped jojo neck.

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