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Emaza POV
It's the next morning and I'm opening all my gifts. Ashley and ant got me some furry handcuffs and a card that says nasty 19. Jackie gave me a a photo album with all the ultrasounds she did when I was pregnant with Reagan. Jojo got me a watch with my initials on the inside glass part. Saiyr got me a big picture frame with pictures we took the other day in it with the words(sisters forever). Tiff got me and her matching charm bracelets that say "we slept with the same dude, welcome to the babymomma crew" I laughed and put it on. Sabrina bought me some hoop earrings, and some shoes. Trintin bout me a wind breaker. I put all my gifts in the corner and sat back on the bed.

"You didn't open mine" I jumped, I thought he was sleep.

"My bad, Ian mean to scare you"

"How long you been up" he sat up and looked at me.

"Since you open Jackie gift" i nodded.

"Where yo gift" he went in the draw next to Gina nd pulled out an envelope. I took the paper out and it was a flight ticket.

"Dave this says Costa Rica" he nodded and pointed at the time.

"Dave this says we leave in an hour" I jumped up and  he started laughing.

"That's why I waited so long so you could hurry up"

"I'm not gonna be able to say bye to my babies" I mumbled brushing my teeth

"Yes you will cause me taking us she downstairs waiting"

"What about my suitcase" I threw on some clothes and put my hair in a messy bun. I threw some makeup in a Zara bag.

"You ready"I nodded and we left.

"Hey momma t, hey babies" I started playing with the twins.

"Good morning Baby, did you enjoy your birthday"

"Yes ma'am, I went to see Reagan and Devon was there"

"Oh really what did he say"

"He was there getting closure like his doctor told him too, we were talking and Imma get the restraining order lifted" dave started choking cause I didn't tell him about the restraining order

"If you feel like that's what you want to do baby, I'm right beside you"

"Thank you momma" she kept driving and I kept playing with the kids

"Momma" Kennedy squealed cause I was tickling her.

"Hey lil man" I started kissing on Gabe but he pushed my head up.

"Oh so you getting to big for me" I started tickling him  and he started laughing hard. We pulled up to the airport and Dave got our bags out. We kissed the babies and momma then went inside.

"We got 15 minutes let's eat" he nodded. I looked out the window of the airport and there was ducks outside. I looked over and Dave was staring at me, I started blushing.

"Look at the way he looks at her herald, why don't you look at me like that" this old lady said walking this way.

"Stop watching these kids Margaret, im sorry yall"

"You don't have to apologize for me you old hag, I have a mouth" she hit him with the cane.

"You keep it up now and watch you hit that ground" they walked away and kept going back and forth.

"I hope we be like them dave"

"Why you say that mama they arguing"

"Yea dave, that's the thing. She's still arguing back with him dave, if she stops arguing that mean she stops loving him" he nodded and kissed my forehead.

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