Forever and Fireworks

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Time jumped a lot it's now: night of July 3
BRIEF UPDATE: emaza step dad got arrested, they can't find Damien and emaza and her mom are starting a relationship

Dave POV

"Bro you gonna do this fr" I nodded.

"Tomorrow night man" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"You think she gonna like it" saiyr slapped my arm.

"Boy she'll love it"

"I hope so" my phone went off.

Wifey💍: me and tiff just left momma t house can you come get me from tiff's
Me: yea baby I'll be right there

"Ight sai I gotta go get her" we hugged and I left liyah house. I have so much going on right now it's crazy. I pulled up to tiff house and honked. I must've been in deep thought cause Ian notice maza get in the car.

"Baby what's wrong" she grabbed my hand.

"Nas wants me in New York" she smiled.

"Ahh that's amazing baby, I never been to New York"

"He wants me to stay" her smile quickly dropped.

"Oh" she started playing with her nails.

"What is it"

" Uhh well, nothing" I nodded knowing she was lying but I didn't want to force her to say it.

Omniscient pov
Dave and maza was both hiding something from each other. Little do they both know that their world are gonna change tomorrow.

Fourth of July morning
Emaza POV

It's the Fourth of July and I never been so nervous. I went to the bathroom, took my medicine and took a shower. Once I got out I did my hair and makeup.

"Baby I gotta pee" Dave said banging on the door. I opened it and laughed.

"What you think is so funny"

"Yo bought pissed up" I laughed some more but he started flicking his soapy hands on me.

"Stop dave you gonna mess up my makeup" he kissed my cheek.

"Idk why you wear it"

"The same reason I'm with you, it makes me feel beautiful" he put his hand over his heart and started to fake cry. I slapped his chest.

"You're so childish"

"But you love me tho" he kissed me and I walked out. I got dressed while he was in the shower. I went downstairs to see momma T, my step mom and my dad in the kitchen preparing the food for later.

"Good morning guys" I walked up to my dad and kissed his cheek and hugged momma T and Jen(step mom)

"Good morning beautiful" I grabbed a banana and started eating it.

"Umm I have something to tell y'all" they all stopped what they were doing and looked at me. I got up and peeked around the corner to see if Dave was around.

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