Date night p.1

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Kairi in mm
Saturday Emaza pov
I have a hair appointment at 5. Dinner is at 9 but Dave said be ready by 7:30. Me and sai have our house we moved in some of our clothes. We already have our rooms decorated but we not showing Dave and mom until tomorrow. Sai bought the couch it should be there later tonight, so our whole house will be done by 11 on Sunday.

"Morning stanka butt" I smiled at ReRe. She giggled.

"Mownin ma-ma" my poor baby can't say morning for any thing. She speak but her vocabulary isn't that big because I would only spend 10 minutes with her a day. When I did I made sure she knew who her momma was and that I love her. I started thinking about the way my life was and I couldn't help but cry.

"Don't cwy ma-ma, imma get da-da" I sat up and chuckled watching my baby waddle towards the door. She pulled it open and went to get Dave. A few seconds later she's pulling Dave into my room by his pants.

"Ma-ma cwy" she's so sweet. Dave noticed the tear marks ig and came towards me.

"What's wrong" he wiped my face.

"Nothing i was just laying on my side and you know"

"Girl lie to someone else them tear marks would've be horizontal not vertical"

"Aww look at you being a detective" I was trying to change the subject but he wasn't having it.

" I was thinking about how I neglected my child"

"How did you do that maza"

"I didn't help her, her vocabulary is so small because of me"

"You need some dick if you over here crying about some vocabulary, her vocabulary is big enough for a 3 year old, and plus you were still learning vocabulary words yourself"

"Dick, dick dick da-da say dick" I looked at Dave shocked. ReRe ran out the room yelling it, me and Dave ran after her but it was to late.

"Why my grand baby walking around yelling this word" momma t yelled from her room, me and Dave tried to run away but she already came out the room.

"Dave did it" I yelled then ran to my room to take a shower.

Saiyr pov

"Woow bro she gave you up" I busted out laughing. Momma was pulling this boy by his ear. ReRe and kairi ran out my room laughing too. I smiled at the scene, I took a video and saved it on my phone then sent it to maza. Ma started pulling his ear harder causing the kids to fall on the floor laughing. We went downstairs to make breakfast.

Baby🤭👀: good morning beautiful
Me:good morning baby don't forget to be ready by 9:30.
Baby🤭👀: I knowww I'm not going all out with makeup today.

I put my phone down to help momma with the sausage but Dave picked my phone up and started reading the messages. I threw a sausage at him and it hit his face.

"A sasage hi da-da in the face" ReRe announced making me and ma laugh

"Ha ha daddy got hit" then kairi started laughing, but she stopped when she seen her mom at the door. Emaza walked passed her and came to help momma.

"Good morning everyone" tiff smiled at everyone then looked at maza and mugged her. Maza winked at her then finished helping mom. I chuckled then went to kiss kairi bye.

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