House warming

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Saiyr POV( nurse Jackie in mm)

Food is finally finished, they are sitting on warmers so me and emaza are in the bathroom getting ready, we took some pictures and then the door bell rung. we ran to the door and we fought to open it.

"Just open the damn door" mom yelled from outside. I opened it and stuck my tongue out at maza. In walked ma, ant, dave, ReRe, kairi, Zoe, jojo, uncle joe, his kids and Aaliyah. I closed the door but then there was another knock some lady in a nurse outfit. She was bad, thick light skin lady after looking at her super straight white teeth I let her in.

"Oh hey ms.jackie" Maza said coming up to us. She hugged the lady and introduced us. She told me she got one more two more guest coming and then that's everyone. We told everyone were their bathroom was at and where the back yard was. I grabbed momma and liyah and pulled them to my room.

"Oh I love your room baby"

"Thank you momma but we need to talk"

"About what hun" I walked towards Aaliyah and grabbed her hand

"Momma me and Aaliyah are dating" she looked at me for a minute then started crying. I started walking towards her but she started laughing so I got scared.

"Girl I already knew that, I thought it was something serious"

"What you mean you knew, we just started dating two weeks ago"

"Girl the first time you brought her over to the house you wouldn't stop smiling and the second she left you wouldn't stop talking about her, I may be a little older than you but I'm not blind nor deaf baby" she gave me and hug and a kiss and kissed Aaliyah forehead. 

"Y'all don't even have to worry about grand babies cause dave bouta have enough for the whole family" she said make us laugh then she walked out.

"You got a bathing suit" I asked Aaliyah. She nodded and started to take off her clothes. Her bathing suit was fucking sexy we took pictures and saved em. We went outside with everyone else. Uncle joe was flirting with the nurse, the babies were playing with the puppy in the sand box, the boys were playing cards and drinking and the ladies we drinking and talking in the pool. Me and Aaliyah joined them in the pool.

Maza pov
Amber texted me telling me that she is outside so I put my plate down and walked around the front so I won't track water in the house.

"Heyy amber, I missed you soo much" I ran up to her, we hugged and a few minutes later the one and only Rihanna came over. I was soo shook.

"H-h-hi" Rihanna chuckled

"Amber told me you were a big fan and she needed to top everyone else's gift" I started tearing up then I hugged amber so tight. Me and Rihanna took a few pictures together then we started heading to the back.

"Well to warm you uncle joe is a lil horny old man, ant and jojo they will be staring" I said laughing leading them inside.

"I hope y'all have bathing suits" they nodded and instantly took off their button up dresses. I laughed and we all went to the back. As soon as we went outside everyone started staring.

"Can y'all not stare and speak" Rihanna waved

"Girl how do you know Rihanna" Aaliyah said kinda loud so I can hear over the music

"We just met" I introduced amber and Rihanna to everyone and then we went in the pool. We were drinking, dancing and playing cards until like 9 and that's when people started leaving. Rihanna and amber had to get back uptown, ant and Jojo left to take Zoe to bed, uncle joe and his kids left too.

"Get some water hun" jackie said handing me a cup. I drunk the water in like five seconds. I wasn't drunk but I was tipsy and let me tell you, I was happy. We cleaned up then momma t and Jackie were the last to leave.

"Girl i am tired" I said sitting down at the table. Aaliyah came and sat with me.

"Same and Ian do as much as you so I know how tired you are" she chuckled and then got up.

"I'm going to wipe this make up off and go to bed, thank you for telling me to go with saiyr"

"Girl I just like to see my sister happy, and as long as you keep her happy your cool with me" I smiled at her and she returned it then walked out.

"Aww bae your so sweet" I jumped like shit, I did not know dave was in here.

"Where you come from" he pointed upstairs. I nodded.

"Come on babe lets go shower then go to bed" he said but I wanted a massage too so I had to skip it in some How cause he don't like feet. We took our shower, that shower kinda woke me up a bit so he really gotta rub my feet.

"Baby can you rub my feet for me" I asked and he looked at me crazy. I came close to him and started rubbing his dick.

"Girl stop my kids in the house"

"Some can be in my mouth" I sajd just to fuck with him.

"What did you say" I smiled and squatted down and put his third leg in my mouth. I started to go slow then I pulled his favorite deep throat shit then I stood up.

"I said they could be in my mouth" he kissed me and picked me up and let me tell you I got my feet rubber 🤪😜.

Next morning
Saiyr POV
I was up kinda early I decided to go make breakfast after I took a shower and brush my teeth. I took some pictures and posted them on snap.

I walked out the room and so does maza with my beautiful nieces

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I walked out the room and so does maza with my beautiful nieces.

"Morning my babies" Maza instantly put them down once we got down stairs. We headed to the kitchen and turned on some music. We made breakfast and practiced this dance we were gonna record and put on the internet.

"We gotta do it today" Maza said hella happy

"What y'all doing today" Dave asked with Aaliyah right behind him.

"Y'all se later, now come eat" we all ate our food and sat and joked for a bit. Aaliyah and Dave went to go wash up and put on clothes for the day so me and maza decided to practice one more time.

"Hell yea we ready" we did our little hand shake then we took the speak outside and hooked it up.

"Let's change into something comfortable" I nodded and we went to change.

"Why y'all change" Dave started getting suspicious so we grabbed their arms and pulled them outside. We put ReRe and kairi in their seats then put Aaliyah and Dave in theirs.

"Babe what's going on" liyah started laughing. She always think shit funny.I set up the camera and a maza played the music. we were dancing and I felt like we killed it. The music kept going the girl got up and started dancing too. Then we were all up dancing.

What y'all think? Did they kill it?
It's so hard to find stuff without znuie in it so if there is stuff with her in it just bare with me, I might make her a character.

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