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Emaza Pov
I was washing my hands and stuff then I started to walk out but Dave grabbed my arm and pulled me inside a room. I yanked my arm out of his hand.

"Don't touch me" she sighed

"Maza when are you gonna stop hating me"

"Never said I hated you"

"Then when are you gonna stop being mad"

"I'm not mad actually, I'm the happiest I been in almost three months"

"I'm sorry emaza, I didn't me-

"David anything you're about to say don't have to be about these babies I don't wanna hear it" he looked at me lost for words. His eyes got real teary and they started falling. I was genuinely about to cave in but I had to stand my grounds. Dave took my engagement ring out his pocket.

"Please maza just take it"

"No david" I kissed his forehead and walked out, the bathroom door opened and out walked my dad. I ran up to him and he held me and I broke down. He walked me to the next empty room and we laid down and I kept crying.

Next morning

"Ahhhhhh" I screamed to the top of my lungs as I held my stomach and did my breathing exercises. In ran momma T and Dave.

"Are you okay" I couldn't say anything cause the pain was just to much.

"Am she's bleeding"

"Call an ambulance" dave run out the room and calls the ambulance.

At the hospital
The doctor walks in.

"Now emaza you did good for two months with no stress" I sighed and shook my head.

"Well whatever it is I advise you to leave it alone, before you loose one of these two"

"What happened" my dad asked

"Well due to her stress it caused your blood pressure to rise and that means your heart beats really fast and none of that his good for the babies" I nodded

"Thank you" she touched my arm and walked out.


"Yes David"

"Can we talk" he asked looking at mom and then to leave. They left after kissing my head.

"What David"

"Can you sto- do you want me to go back to New York"

"Dave if you get on the plane don't you ever come back wanting to see the twins"

"Really" I nodded and started to do the breathing exercises.

"So you gonna be a bitch right now"

"Incorrect I'm being that bitch right now so I advise you to get the fuck out of my room"

"No these are my mother fucking kids"

"You're kids..You're kids david... the same damn kids you left at 10 at night, the damn kids that you left for two months and the same mother fucking kids yo- Ahhhhhh" I rubbed my stomach,

"Get out david and tell them they can come back in and I don't want you to come back in here" Dave left and few minutes late everyone else came in except ant and jojo. Me and my daddy started singing our song to the babies.

Dave POV
"Bro so you really gonna leave"

"Ion wanna but I need to until she have the twins Ill be back Christmas eve and Christmas Day then I'm leaving til she have the twins"

"Bro what if when you do come back she won't let you see the kids" I shook my head, I honestly don't know the answer to that. I didn't have anything to say but I needed to clear my head, I dapped up the boys and headed back to the house where I left Keisha. I walked inside and it was quiet.

"Keish" no response so I ran up the stairs and she was gone and my room looked like she was looking for stuff. I looked in the closet and my safe was open. She stole the money I had in there, it wasn't a lot. I was pissed and I had to find this bitch, I headed to the airport. Ian see her so I hopped on my plane to go back to find her.

Emaza POV

Everyone was in my room, waiting for the doctor to tell me I can go. Tiffany was in here talking about how I was running..well waddled to the bathroom.

"Yea yea she was like this" Tiffany started walking and we were all laughing and then the doctor came in.

"Well ms.dilan you're free to go like I said no stressing(jojo mumbles something and ant hit him)over anything and make sure you keep eating"

"Aye doc food expensive now a days she already eat for eight" AJ said making everyone laugh. The doctor handed me my papers, I signed them and she left.

"Daddy can you help me down" my dad came over and helped me down. Kim handed me my clothes and they walked out.

"Saiyr can you help me get dress please and the rest of y'all can go home if y'all want I'm fine... oh ant and jojo imma holla at y'all later" they nodded and everyone walked out. I put on my pants

"Why you asked me to help you if you gonna do it yo self" I started crying these damn hormones.

"Cause last time i fell and I had to get up by myself" I wiped my tears and saiyr started laughing.

"What's funny"

"You talkin bout the day you pissed on the floor" I nodded. She laughed harder and I stale faced her.

"I'm sorry but girl you was so sad when you pissed up" I started laughing to cause I was crying hard asf.

"What ever let's go"

At the house
The adults went to do their thing and us kids came to the ceraadi house-that's the name we came up with instead of just saying saiyr house or Emaza house. We all in the backyard chilling, laughing and eating Popeyes.

"Aye ant and jojo come here please" they got up looking nervous.

"Yo" jojo said

"What did you mumble when the do-

"Man listen that ain't my place to say" I nodded.

"You said enough, it has to do with dave don't it" jojo rubbed the back of his neck and that answered my question

"Why you hit him ant" he sucked his teeth

"Sis listen ia-

"You started the sentence off right, I'm supposed to be your sis so why you keeping something from me" he looked lost and that's when I knew I had him.

"Man he gonna kill me but Dave thinking about going back to New York.. he said he don't want to stress you and loose the kids" I nodded. Jojo phone went off and he looked at it and his eyes grew wide.

"What is it" he ignores me and shows the phone to ant.

"He's in New York?" I asked and that just looked at me. I'll admit it that it does hurt that he left. I got out the pool and dried off.

"Where you going" saiyr yelled out for me.

"To bed, good night y'all" they yelled good night and I laid in the bed, then slowly sleep took over me.

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