Chapter 8

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(Justin's p.o.v.)
"Is Starbucks good?" I wrap my hand around Christie's as we walk across the parking lot of our condo building.
"Yeah," she walks closer to me, so that our shoulders touch.
"Wait, do you wanna walk?" I halt my steps, just in case I have to go back inside and fetch the car keys.
"Yeah, I don't mind," she keeps walking, eventually tugging on my hand. I go along with her, and we walk down the sidewalk until we enter Starbucks. I let her order first, then order for myself and pay. Once our orders are ready, we sit next to each other at a table.
"So what do you wanna do today?" I sip from my caramel frappe.
"I don't know," she shrug, appearing more focused on eating her small cup of yogurt.
"Hmm, how 'bout we go to the park?" I suggest numbly.
"Ok, that sounds fun," she smiles brightly, and I grin back as jovially as the drugs allow.

After breakfast, I take her hand and lead her out the door we came in. We walk down a few blocks across the street to the downtown park. It's noisy, but Christie and I always manage to find peace.
"It's cold out here," she hugs herself to keep warm.
"Here, take this," I willingly slip off my gray jacket, and wrap it around small frame.
"You're not cold?" she tosses a concerned stare at me.
"Nah, I have this." Smiling nonchalantly, I motion to my shirt, tugging it before smoothing it out.
"Uhm, ok," she still seems unsure, because she doesn't want me to freeze my ass off. But it really doesn't bother me.
"I don't care, baby. Keep it on," I nicely insist while grabbing her cold hand.
"Ok ok," she giggles, wrapping herself tighter in my jacket, which is way too big on her.
"Aw, you're so cute, babe," I coo merrily and peck her cheek.
"Justin, stop it," she playfully pushes me away, blushing in the sleeves.
"It's true," I put my arm around her as we stroll through the park.
"Hey, look at that, Justin!" she points to a frozen pond a few yards away.
"Ooh, I have an idea." Smirking nonstop, I pull her to the layer of ice covering the pond.
"Wait, Justin, you're not going to—"
"Come on," I motion her to step on the frozen water, but she declines nervously.
"No Justin, it's gonna break," Christis tugs at my hold. I only smile warmly and step closer to her.
"No, it won't. Trust me, babe." My eyes try to convince her the best way they can.
"No Justin," Christie fervently shakes her head, so I release my hold on her hands.
"Fine, look. I'm gonna step on it, and it won't break," I nonchalantly step on the ice. Nothing happens.
"See? It's unbreakable." Confidently, I stomp harder on the right ice, making her flinch.
"Justin, please don't," she pleads without moving closer, too scared to join me.
"C'mon baby, trust me on this," I extend my hand out to her.
"Justin," Christie whines, yet she has a anxious smile on her face.
"Please? Don't be scared, babe." Now I reach both hands out for her; then after sighing, she slowly steps closer, grabbing hold of my hands, and grasping them tightly. All at once, I pull her in securely and she gasps in shock.
"Omigod Justin! I want to go back! I want to go back," she breathes deeply, looking frantically at our feet.
"You're ok, babe," I slide further in, so that we're in the center of the pond.
"Justin." Her shaky arms hold me tightly while I hold her safely in my arms.

Once she gets a little used to it, her body loosens up a bit.
"See? It's perfectly safe," I smile amiably, holding her hands protectively.
"It's not safe at all, Justin," Christie smiles nervously, shaking her head at me.
"It's safe with me," I smirk, moving cautiously on top of the ice with her in my arms.
"Whatever," she playfully rolls her eyes.
"Don't 'whatever' me, babe," I draw her in closer, kissing her lovingly. Suddenly, I feel myself slip back, falling on the hard ice. A mild pain shoots up my back once I hit the ice. Christie gasps, collapses on top of me.
"Shit," I hiss at the hard fall and the stinging sensation throughout my back.
"Omigod, are you ok?" she gasps surprisingly, her heart beating rapidly.
"Yeah. We probably should go." Mu hands hold her tightly as I chuckle at this whole situation.
"Ok," she carefully gets off me, stands up, and extends her hands out to me in attempt to help.
"Really babe, you're gonna help me up?" I smirk, taking her hand anyway.
"Hey, it's always worth a try," she tugs on my hand, but I do most of the work to get on my feet.
"Thanks," I scoff jokingly as I lead her back to the solid dirt ground.
"Oh, yeah. I'm safe with you," she scoffs back just like I did. In response, I snicker at her comeback.
"You hungry?" I put my arm around her again while continuing our walk.
"A little," she holds onto my hand, which is draped over her dainty shoulders.
"Let's go get a snack then," I raise the hood of my jacket over her head, then hold her closer as we walk through the cold air.
"Ok." Her eyes sparkle from the cold as I transfer my body heat to hers.

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