Chapter 59

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(Last chapter😭😭😭)

(Christie's pov)

When I woke up, Drew was crying again, and Justin wasn't beside me. My stomach wasn't hurting as bad as yesterday. At least I could stand up now, but I might need Justin's help.

"Oh, good morning, babe"

Justin came up behind me and kissed me, making me giggle.

"Good morning, Justin"

I smiled then headed toward the bathroom to get ready.

"You feeling better?"

His fingertips stroked down my shoulders.


I washed my face.

"Meet me downstairs when you're done"

He kissed my cheek before walking away. I smiled to myself as I prepared for the day. It still hurt to walk as I made my way downstairs. I saw the table set up with waffles, Justin's way.
"Aw, Justin"
I smiled thankfully at Justin, who was pouring me a glass of orange juice.
"I know it's your favorite"
He beamed. I couldn't stop smiling at Justin. He's so sweet.
"Thank you"
I put my plate in the sink.
"You're welcome, babe"
Justin pushed me up on the counter, so that I sat on it. He kissed me soft yet passionately. I kissed back with my hands around his bare back. Did I mention he was shirtless? He's wearing pants though. He started to kiss my neck, making me gasp. I didn't want to go too far, because I still hurt a lot, so I stopped him.
"We should feed him"
I stood up.
"We have baby food, and you know the other part"
He seemed ok with me stopping the moment. I mentally sighed then went to get Drew. I really hate doing this, and it's my second time. I already feel sensitive. I put Drew in front of my chest again, and he started sucking. The pain made me wince then tolerate it, taking deep breaths.
-10 minutes later-
Shit, what's taking Justin so long? The faster he gets here the faster this can stop. Drew was still at it, then Justin walked in, finally.
"Take a break from that, babe"
Justin took the baby carefully from my arms. I pulled my shirt up then rested my head back.
"You ok?"
Justin went to sit beside me.
"Yea, it just hurts"
I breathed out.
"I would do it for you, but obviously, I can't"
He grinned at me. I giggled then started feeding Drew with baby food. Justin helped too and let me rest for a bit.
"C'mere, baby"
Justin motioned me to come closer. I crawled as close as I could get to him.
"Take off your shirt and lay down on your stomach"
He ordered, and I followed his instructions. Drew was sleeping peacefully in his crib now. I felt Justin's hands start to rub my neck soothingly.
"Justin, please don't-"
"Shhh, relax, bae"
He spoke calmly as he massaged my back. I moaned and shut my eyes.
"You're so beautiful"
He whispered in my ear, making me smile.
"You know...sometimes I did I end up deserving such a pretty girl like you?"
Justin's hand slowed down a bit.
I blushed and smiled shyly.
"No really. How?"
His hands stopped, and I saw Justin smiling at me in thought.
"Maybe because I love you"
I hugged him tightly as he leaned back onto the bed.
"Aww baby, I love you too"
He kissed me while grabbing my waist.
"Damn, you're so perfect, babygirl"
His lips planted kisses on my ear as he whispered. It made me blush in his bare neck.
"I can't believe after all this time, everything we've been through, you're mine"
He whispered softly.
"I can't believe it either"
I pulled myself as close as possible to him. Everything was quiet until Drew started crying.
"I'll get him"
Justin got up and left.
"Baby, come here"
I heard Justin call me and walked into Drew's room.
"What happened?"
I asked.
"He fucking shit his pants"
Justin mumbled.
"Justin, watch your language"
I hit him playfully.
He smiled.
"I'll try"
I picked up Drew and laid him on a bed/table. Good thing Justin already bought diapers. I almost puked at the smell. After I had the clean diaper on him, I threw the dirty one away.
"Ew, that was gross"
I set Drew in his crib again.
"I bet it was"
Justin put his arm around me.
"You're gonna have to do it too"
I smiled at him.
"Ugh, I know"
He sighed. I giggled and kissed his cheek.
"You want a sandwich?"
He asked.
I smiled, realizing it was lunchtime already.
He started walking to the kitchen.
"Wait, no, can I help?"
I ran after him.
"Woah, yea, of course, baby"
Justin grinned at my reaction. I smiled and helped him set stuff up. Justin already knew what kind of sandwich I wanted, and I knew what kind he wanted. Because if that, we made each other's lunch.
We somehow said it at the same time, making me giggle. We ate then spent some time watching a movie with Drew. I thought it was cute when he giggled. suddenly, a giant boom vibrated the house. Thunder. Drew started to cry in my arms.
"Aww, no, baby don't cry"
I held Drew closer.
"I'm not crying, babe"
Justin joked.
"I'm not talking to you"
I giggled at Justin.
"Shh, don't cry"
I put his pacifier in, making him quiet down. I held him in my arms, close to my heart.
"Hey, how come you don't hold me like that?"
Justin pouted.
"Aw, Justin, you're adorable"
I knew he didn't like that.
"Don't start"
He set me on his lap with Drew still in my arms and wrapped his arms around me. Everything was perfect. I couldn't want anything else but this, a family. Imagine if I would've killed myself. That would've been a bad decision, but to Justin I'm ok. We're all ok. So if you ask me if I'm happy, I'll reply with yes.
"I love you, Justin"
I looked up at Justin, who was already looking at me.
"I love you too, babygirl"
He gently kissed my temple.
"I love you more"
I shot back.
"That's not possible"
He smiled playfully.
"And why not?"
I dared him.
"Cos I love you the most"

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