Chapter 44

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(Christie's pov)

When the kiss broke, Justin went to tell the others. I waited until the door opened.


Ryan smiled at me, Stacy following behind.


I waved to them.

"So we're going shopping today?"

Stacy smiled at me.


I smiled shyly.

"Omigod, I am so excited! Its gonna be perfect!"

Brie bursted in and squealed.

"I know"

I smiled. Someone's hyper.

"Are you guys ready?"

Kayla joined in.


I nodded.

"Alright, let's go"

Stacy led us out the door. Justin blew me a kiss goodbye, making me blush.

"So where should we go first?"

Kayla was the one driving. She was just like Khalil.

"The mall"

Brie answered before I could.

"Nah, I know a better place"

Kayla suggested. So that's where we went.

. . .

They pulled me into an expensive-looking store. There were racks of wedding dresses. Woah, there's so many to choose from.

"Uhm, am I supposed to look through every one of these?"

I hope not.

"We'll help you pick some out to try on"

Stacy and the others started to look through the racks. I could tell this place was expensive, because of the dresses and the furniture. It just seemed expensive. Justin's forcing me to buy something expensive. Why?

"Here, try these on"

Brie pushed me into the dressing rooms and shoved 1-3 dresses in my hand. I guess you could say that she's just like Za, except more hyper. I tried on a dress with flower designs on it. I didn't really appreciate the flowers though. I tried the next one on. It was way to puffy on my butt, so I declined it.

"Here's some more"

Someone laid about 4 more dresses on the door. I could tell it was Kayla from the high heeled boots. I tried all of them on, but nothing felt right. They were either too big, puffy, itchy, or just not my type. I was starting to just give up.

"How much money do you have on you?"

Someone asked. I think it was Stacy.

"Uhm, $1 million"

I said shyly.


Brie cut in.

"Justin gave it to me before we left"

I stated, still a little shy about it.

"Damn, ok. We'll be right back"

Their voices faded as they walked away. I felt my phone buzz, then lifted it up to my face.

"Miss you:("

It was a text from Justin. He's so cute.

"Miss you too😘"

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