Chapter 16

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(Justin's pov)
Damn, last night was long. That's the closest we've been in months. I felt like maybe we have a real chance to renew our relationship. We can start over, forget about everything. She's mine, and only mine. She's been hurt way too much. I'd do anything to make her happy. I'd protect her with my life.

"Justin, are you up?" Christie mumbles sleeping in my arms. I look down into her perfect dark brown eyes, wide open and interested.
"Yeah. Babe, you wanna get breakfast?" I hover myself over her, studying her tired expression.
"Yeah," she smiles warmly at me.
"Ok, let's go then," I help her up, then let her use the bathroom first, so I can pop a couple painkillers. When Christie walks out, I plant a small kiss on her cheek before we walk out of the room.
"You awake now, Bieber?" Khalil smirks with Za and Ryan behind him.
"No, I'm actually in a deep sleep right now," I joke around with him.
"Oh, I see," Khalil nods playfully.
"Aye, Christie and I are gonna get something to eat," I fit on a blue SnapBack and intertwine fingers with Christie's.
"Ok. Oh, and you can take the car if you want. Za's brothers coming over," Ryan announces; then I immediately tense up, clenching my jaw and glaring at the floor.
"...Bro, it's just for three days. Get along with him, ok?" Za lowers his voice, trying not to make a scene.
"I can't say I will with that asshole," I mutter irritably.
"Justin, he's my brother, dude," Za hardens his stare on me, but I ignore it.
"Whatever," I sigh before walking out the door, letting Christie go first. Heaving with anger, I drive aggressively down the road.

"Justin. Justin, what happened?" Christie shakes my shoulder from the passenger side. I'm almost tempted to just ram into another car. But I stop before I hurt her. That's the last thing I want.
"Justin, why are you upset?" Christie takes off her seatbelt after I park on the side of the road.
"...I'll tell you after breakfast." I slow my breaths as I rest my head against the seat.

Once I'm able focus. I drive towards Chick-Fil-A. We order, then eat in complete silence. I don't even notice it until I'm done eating. Even though we're both wordless, I take her for hot chocolate. At the coffee shop, we sit at a table, face to face. I know she's waiting for an explanation.
"Christie, the reason why I'm so mad is because of Za's brother, Twist. We don't get a long very well, at all," I mutter flatly, not wanting to go into detail. But I know I have to, for her.
"Why?" she looks at me with more concern than curiosity.
"Because...we fight a lot. I never knew why, but he hates me. He snitched on me a few years ago, and it got me 6 months in prison for vandalism." I confess, looking directly at her so she knows I'm not bullshitting her.
"For doing what?" Despite her concern, she still looks like an angel. We're such opposites.
"Breaking into a restaurant, and destroying a lot of their property," I admit as nonchalantly as I can. This isn't the best confession in front of my girlfriend.
"Justin, why?" She seems a bit disappointed. I've seen the look before.
"I don't know. Christie, I was mad and I couldn't help myself," I sigh and rub my temples.
"...It's fine. So that's why you don't get along?" she sips from her hot chocolate.
"Yeah, and now I have to spend 3 three days with that asshole," I grumble and scowl at the table.
"Don't worry about it, Justin. I'll be right here." An adorable smile formed on her face, and it never fails to brighten my mood.
"I love you, babygirl," I grin back, kissing her hand sweetly.
"I love you too, Justin," She giggles cutely, making me chuckle. After we finish our drinks, she asks me to bring her to a music shop. Of course, I say yes. She doesn't even try to force me. I just give in, because I love her.

I'm so bored, just sitting here, waiting for her to finish looking through the music.
"Justin, do you like jazz music?" she holds up a music album and waves it at me.
"No," I reply like it's an obvious fact, and she just rolls her eyes.
"Ok, do you like R&B?" she glances at me while searching through the shelves of cds.
"I don't like music," I mutter indifferently.
"C'mon Justin, everybody likes music. How come you know the words to the songs on the radio?" she raises her eyebrows at me.
"...I know everything," I smirk, feeling happy with my response.
"Oh, Justin. C'mon, I know you like some kind of music," she tilts her head to the side.
"Fine, I do like R&B a little," I confess while stepping close to her.
"Me too. Hey, can you sing something for me? There's a guitar over there," Christie grabs my hand and pulls me towards a guitar stand.
"No baby, not now," I let go of her hand, smiling softly at her.
"Please Justin. No one's looking. Just a little something?" Her eyes widen at me when she pleads.
"Christie," I look around for nearby people. Why the hell am I even considering this?
"Pleeaasseee Justin," she gently tugs my arm.
"...Ugh, fine," I give in, sitting on the stool and setting up the guitar in my hands.
"Say you love me.
As much as I love you, yeah.
Would you hurt me, baby?
Could you do that to me, yeah?
Would you lie to me, baby?
'Cause the truth hurts so much more.
Would you do the things that drive me crazy?
Leave my heart still at the door?
Oh, I can't help it, I'm just selfish
There's no way that I could share you.
That would break my heart to pieces.
Honestly the truth is
If I could just die in your arms. [sings Die in Your Arms]."
I sing as quietly as possible, so people don't make a scene. I face Christie to see her eyes filled with happiness.
"Omigod Justin...You're so amazing," she beams, hugging me tightly.
"Aw babe, that was nothing," I hug back after putting up the guitar.
"C'mon, let's look some more," Christie clings to my arm and leads me to another section.

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