Chapter 29

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(Justin's pov)

How did she find out?

"Did you?"

Her voice was brittle as she tried to stop herself from crying.


I breathed out in a whisper. She had fear and hurt in her eyes.


Her hand slipped out of mine, and she sat on the floor.

"Because he hurt you. You think I'm gonna let them get away with that?"

I argued.

"Why couldn't you just put them in jail? Why'd you have to kill them?"

She was crying softly.

"Then what would happen when they get out? Christie, I may take my chances, but when it comes to them hurting you again, I don't"

I knelt beside her. She stayed quiet, crying in her sleeves.

"You shouldn't have done that, Justin"

She hid her face in her sleeves.

"You're sticking up for them? After all the hell they put you through?"

I couldn't believe this girl.

"No, I just think you could've left it alone. You promised"

She sounded upset, but she was still crying. Shit.

"Do you remember what the hell he did to you?! I don't know about you, but NOBODY lays a hand on you and makes it out alive"

I muttered.

"But you're wrong. We both know it's wrong"

She sobbed. I couldn't argue with that. I was angry and ashamed of myself. I stood up and left, bringing my bag with me.

"Bro, what happened?"

Ryan must've noticed my face. I walked past him, and out the door. Christie's right. I guess I was just too angry at the time to see that I had choices, and I chose wrong. Since I was still injured, I only walked to the alley behind the building. I grabbed the envelope, and read the front.

"To: Justin

From: Mom"

Mom? Fuck it, I'm not reading this. I can barely handle the dreams. I probably will read it. Just not right now. I smoked a few drugs to get rid of the feeling. After the I was high, the drugs passed me out.


Dammit, what time is it? The sun wasn't up yet, so it can't be later than 7am. I stood cautiously and made my way to the entrance of the building. When I walked in the condo, nobody was awake yet. I went into our room to see everything exactly the way it was. Christie was asleep on the bathroom floor. Poor baby. I carried her to the bed, and tucked her in before heading in the shower. I hope she's ok. I hate myself for talking like that to her. She was crying, and I just yelled at her. I'm such an asshole. After I finished, I slipped beside Christie's small, cold body, wrapping her up. I still need to be careful with her injury though.

"I'm sorry, Christie"

I whispered in her ear. She turned her body around to face mine, and rested her head on my shoulder. Did she purposely do that? I don't know, but I liked it. I put my arm around her and kissed her head.


There was a small squeeze on my shoulder, which made me wake up.

"It's ok, Justin. I'm sorry too"

Fix Me (Sequel to Deadly in Love)Where stories live. Discover now