**Chapter 3**

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It is 6 am and I wake up to the sound from my disturbingly loud alarm clock. I make a mental note to buy a less "alarming" one.

Today is going to be my first day at lectures and I hope it would be worth my while. I am majoring in Arts. I really like the whole concept and moreover, I could never see myself working in an office that is why I declined my parents request to study Accounting.

I get out of bed, take my bath, put on jeans and a tank top and headed for the lecture hall.  My room mate is still not back. Honestly, I really don't mind.  I love to be alone so it is a win for me.

I do not expect to make any new friends because, making friends seems to be the last thing on my list of priorities. In highschool, I never had any friends so that has become my lifestyle.

Arriving at the lecture hall,  I realize it is empty. I look at my watch and at my time table and apparently, I am an hour early. I walk to the library which is a short distance away and find my self a nice corner with a beautiful view over the campus.

"this is gonna be my spot"

I take out my favorite novel, "Atonement" and drown my self to the captivating story line.

"Hey there", I lift up my head to the most gorgeous view ever. A very well built,  handsome, chisel faced cutie is smiling at me.

"Hello there" He says again, looking at me quite disconcertingly.

"oh crap" I must have zoned out while staring at this handsome gentleman.

"oh hi" I finally bring myself to say.

"I thought I should let you know that it's almost eight and lectures begin at eight"

That is when I realize,  that I had been reading for almost an hour and didn't even notice the time.

I quickly grab my bag, put my book back into it and begin to run to the hall. I do not want to be late on my very first day.

"You're welcome though." The cute stranger screams after me, looking amused.

I turn around, give him a grateful smile and run off,  wishing I had asked for his name.

"I better not be late for class,  I do not need any unwanted stares"

A/N :
Hope you are enjoying the story so far!

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