**Chapter 29**

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The vacation is almost over and I have not heard from Hanson for more than two weeks. Well, excluding those two awkward calls where I called and he hung up after two seconds saying he would call back and he hasn't. I know I have every reason to feel angry at him but a part of me is more worried. I cannot claim to know him completely but I know for sure that he would never intentionally not call me for such a long period.

"Sis?" My brother cuts me out of my thoughts.
"What you thinking about? You have been staring at your food for a long time."
I look down at my food, realising i haven't even taken a bite. It's probably cold by now. I push it aside.
"oh, I know that look. Wanna talk about it?" He asks.
I am not one to tell others what's bothering me but I comply anyway.
"Well, it's Hanson. I haven't heard from him for almost three weeks and I am starting to get worried."
"woah. Sorry sis. Don't you have any other way of reaching him?"
"Well, I have called his sister but she never answers my calls either. Maybe I am overreacting."
"I don't think so. Not to sound like the devils advocate but what if he is trying to ditch you?"
I look up at my brother with horror in my eyes. His bluntness never ceases to surprise me.
"Thanks for making me feel better bro!" I say, trying to sound as sarcastic as possible.
"Hey, I am just trying to be honest."
"Well, you are not helping." I shoot him a deadly stare.
"okay. Okay. How about you go to school earlier than scheduled to check up on him."
"Wouldn't I look a bit desperate?"
"Maybe!" He responds jokingly.
"Shut up!" I scream at him amidst laughter.
"I am off to bed and don't worry, I am sure there is a reasonable explanation for all this." He gets up,  places a kiss on my forehead and heads to his room. Sometimes he makes me feel like he is my big brother.

Okay then, it's settled. My vacation is ending soon. I only have to convince my parents on why I want to leave home in two days instead of seven days.

"You want to go back to school tomorrow?"  Yells my mom after I quietly tell her in the kitchen.
"Who is going to school tomorrow?" Asks my dad as he walks into the kitchen. Damn! I was trying to avoid this.
"Your daughter."
My brother walks into the kitchen dramatically and stares at me with humor in his eyes. He knows it would hard to get my parents to agree. He picks up a pack of chips and leans on a chair as if he is watching a movie.

"Young lady? Why do you want to go to school already?"
"I... I...  want to pick up on some studies before the semester begins.
My brother coughs. I throw him another deadly glare.
"Isn't tomorrow too sudden?" my mom asks
"We had plans for the remaining of your stay at home..." she cuts me off.

I look at my brother for ideas but he is seriously enjoying my struggle. I know he is not gonna help me out.
"How about we do this- go to school in  three days instead. We were really looking forward to spending the remaining time with you and your mom put a lot of effort into the plans she made."
I just have to agree with them because even though I am eager to find out what's going on with Hans, I must also make my family happy.
"Alright dad, three days it is."

As I walk back to my room,  I cannot help but feel nervous. I should be excited about going back to school but what if my brother was right?
What if Hanson is really ditching me?

Happy Reading.
Love you all.

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