**Chapter 32**

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"It has been a week since Hannah and I found my dad lying unconscious in his room. It has been so hard on us and it isn't getting any easier.

Dad keeps slipping in and out consciousness and the doctors do not know what is wrong with him. They keep saying that it could be the cause of a serious emotional breakdown and I do not doubt them at all. I know how much my mom's death broke him.

"See you later bro." Hannah says as she taps my shoulder and heads home after spending the first half of the day with dad. That has been our routine. She spends the day here and then I come afterwards to spend the night.
It has been extremely stressful.

"Hello?" I say after picking up my phone which has been ringing consistently. Truth is, I do not have it in me to answer any calls.
"Hanson? Its me, Kay." Oh. My. God. I have forgotten to call my girlfriend because of all the chaos. I must be the worst boyfriend in the world right now. Just when I am about to answer her, Hannah screams from my dads room in the hospital.
"Can I call you right back, Kay?" I say hastily and hung up as I quickly rush back to the ward to check up on my dad.
Kayley probably hates me right now. This is the second time I have told her I would call back. Again, I know I am the worst boyfriend right now.

What should have been a happy vacation, is almost over and Dad is still at the hospital. He seems to finally be getting better but the doctor still needs to keep him under close watch so we cannot take him home yet.
I look at my watch, its almost time for Hannah to come for the swap so i rest my head on my seat and begin to drift off into a very much needed nap.
"Hanson?" i wake up startled.
"Its just me!" I look up to see my sister laughing at me. Its been a while since I have seen her laugh.
"I should probably head home. I am so tired." I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and begin to head home.

When i arrive at home, its almost noon so I decide to take a quick nap.
While sleeping I hear someone knocking on our front door. It takes me a while to get out of bed but I do so eventually. I decide to head back to bed when the person stops knocking but I open the door anyway.

There stands a very surprised and almost terrified Kayley.
"Hanson?" She she says, over barely a whisper.

Happy reading..

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