**Chapter 45**

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Berryl wakes me up at exactly six in the morning reminding me that I might have a pop quiz during the first lecture. I jump out of bed and after cleaning up, dressing up and eating breakfast, I am out of the door and on my way to the lecture hall.

Everyone seems awfully nice to me today: greeting me, hugging me and smiling at me.
"Everyone seems to be in a good mood today?" I whisper to myself

I am the first person to arrive at the lecture hall so I grab my notes and take a quick glance through.

Almost thirty minutes later, students begin to file into the classroom, murmuring about the test that may or may not come off.

"Alright folks, take your seats and put aside all books, bags and phones. Its time for a pop quiz!" Screams my lecturer almost excitedly.

By the close of the day, I am so exhausted and sleepy.

It has been a while since Berryl met her mom and every single day, she comes over to our apartment and spends the whole day with her. I am so happy for Berryl and I am glad that she finally gets the mother and daughter bond she so yearns for.

"Hey there gorgeous!" Yells Hanson from behind me.

"Hey hun, I miss you!" I give him a hug.

"I miss you too babe. I was just going over to your place so we could go out for diner."

"I completely forgot about food and I feel like I am forgetting another important thing today." I say, scratching my arm.

"What could it be?" Hanson asks with humor in his eyes.

"I have no idea. Well, let's go eat... I am starving."

We arrive at our favorite pizza parlour in no time and order one large chicken pizza.

"So, how was school today?" Hanson asks

"Not bad at all. Had a pop quiz, although I was not much surprised about it because I saw it coming from a mile away and prepared for it."

"Oh. That's nice." Hanson retorts and looks at the pizza. Truth is, he has been acting awkward since we came here. He has barely eaten anything and he keeps looking at his watch.

"Hans, is everything okay? You have been acting really weird." I ask after he picks one slice of pizza, puts it back down and checks his time for the nth time.

"Who? Me? Oh.. Everything is absolutely fine!" He squeals at me and looks at his watch one more time as if the time has changed substantially since he checked it less than thirty seconds ago.

"Are you sure you do not have a place to be? You have checked your time like a hundred times. You are making me feel nervous." I roll my eyes at him.

"Oh look at that, it's almost six pm. Let's get going!" He says completely ignoring me.

"Where are we going? We just kind of got here babe and you have barely eaten anything."

"Oh, you know, back to your apartment. I have this movie I need to watch in like thirty minutes. Let's get going then!"

He gives me an almost apologetic look and begins to walk out of the door before I can say any other thing.
I have the rest of the pizza packaged for us. My patience is slowly running out.

The ride to my apartment was not any better. Hanson kept checking his phone and texting, god-knows-who.

As we approach Berryl and I's room, Hanson stops in the hallway and gives me a hug.

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