**Chapter 42**

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"Knock, knock!" The voice from behind my door wakes both Berryl and I. I trudge towards the door to find Hanson smiling at me..

It has been four days since I met with Dr.  Samantha and I feel so much better than before I came home. I sleep a bit better now and I feel more confident and courageous... I feel more alive. I guess it's because I am with the people I love.

"Hey?" I say grumpily. "What time is it?"
"It's time for you to wake up. I have a fun day planned for us. Get ready and wear something comfortable."

"Okay?" I turn around and head towards the bathroom. I am still so sleepy.

"Am I invited?" I hear Berryl ask Hanson.
"Nope, sorry!"
"oh, then what do I do all day?"
"I don't know." Hanson shrugs and walks away.
I giggle as I open the shower. The cold water definitely wakes me up.

In about forty minutes, I step out of the room, dressed in skinny jeans, a white tank top, a jean jacket and sneakers.

"Good morning everyone!" I say as I walk into the living area. I finally realize how handsome Hanson looks. I give him a hug.

"What's for breakfast?"
"Pancakes." Andrew answers.
"Nice..." I take a plate waiting for my food to be dished.

"Nope, nope. We have to go now." Hanson drags me off the seat and towards the door. "Oh... I am hunnggrryy!!""

Berry and my brother laugh hysterically as Hanson ignores me and takes me outside.

"So, where are we going?" I ask Hanson as we finally step outside."

"No where in particular. I just want to spend the day with my princess." He plants a kiss on my cheeks and places his hand over my shoulders.

"Well, your princess needs food!!"

"No worries."

We walk for a few minutes and enter a 24/hour diner. The smell of freshly baked bread makes my mouth water immediately. We pick a seat by the window and order pancakes and juice.

I stare at Hanson as we wait for our meal. I remember the first day we met and how far we have come. He has become my best friend and my happy place.

"Why are you staring so much?" Hanson asks and takes my hand.
"I just love you so much, you know!"
"I love you too honey." He kisses the back of my hand and looks away. Are those tears I saw in his eyes?

I turn his face towards mine and wipe the tear that almost drops from his eyes.

"Why are you crying babe?"
"I am just so lucky to have you Kayley."
"aaww... You are crying because you love me?"
He looks into my eyes, "You are the best gift I could ever ask for."

"Thanks for making me feel so loved Hanson. You have made me realize that relationships can be beautiful. I was never interested because movies make relationships look like an unending battle of breakups and broken hearts but with you, its different."

He places a kiss on my lips. I breathe him in and smile at him. He doesn't know this yet, but he has made me feel like I deserve to be loved and treated well not just him but by myself.

I smile at the thought.

"Where to next?" Hanson asks as we walk out of the diner. 'Well, how about the beach?" I respond excitedly.

"To the beach it is then. Lead the way honey."

I stop a taxi and we hop in.

We arrive at our stop after a forty five minutes drive. I lead Hanson through a secluded path to a very secluded portion of the beach.

"Are we allowed to be here??" Hanson asks.

"Nope. We could get into trouble if anyone finds as here."


"I am just messing with you, Hans!"

"I knew that?"

"Yeah, sure did." I roll my eyes and sit on one of the rocks.
Hanson sits next to me as we stare at the waves.

Nature truly is a beautiful gift.

"We have time for one more thing." Hanson says as we sit in a taxi away from the beach.

"For what?"

"This one is a surprise."

We stop in front of my favourite Karaoke bar after about thirty minutes.
"How do you know this place?" I ask surprisingly.
"Google maps?"
'And... Andrew told me you love this place."
"I'm sure he did."

"Since, I sung for you the last time, its your turn. Baffle me." He takes a seat right in front of the stage and watches as I mount the stage.

I pick, 'Angles Wings' by Westlife and begin singing.

Hanson joins me after a few minutes and we do a duet to the same song.

"Thanks for a wonderful time." I whisper in his ears as we walk off the stage.

When Hanson and I arrive at home, diner is almost ready so we join everyone on the table for our meal.

"So hun, have you and your friends decided when you would go back to school?" My mom asks as we wash the dishes.



"I am going to miss you too mom." I smile at her hoping she doesn't cry.

"I am glad you are feeling better. Thanks for coming to see the Doctor."

"No mom, thanks for making me come. It was worth it." I give her a hug.

"You know, those friends of yours are great friends. I like them." She adds

I feel so happy. "Thanks mom."

Happy Reading!!

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