**Chapter 9**

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It's been a week since I saw Hanson. However, we have been speaking to each other over the phone almost every night. Truth is, I really like his company.

For instance, yesterday, we spent a long while just teasing each other and laughing about our childhood shenanigans.

He told me about how, he used to run away from home as a kid to go play with his friends in the woods. There was a time when, they wandered too deep into the woods and almost got lost. It took his whole family and some friends to find them.
His parents, instead of welcoming him with hugs and kisses, gave him a good spanking and since then, he never roamed too far from home .

I couldn't help but laugh so loudly at the spanking part. So by my genius mind, I quickly gave him the name "spanky".

Well, you can imagine how he laughed out loud at that name. "spanky"


"Alright folks, that's all for today. I would see you all next week with the assignments"
That's was my psychology lecturer shouting at the top of his voice as we hurriedly step out of the lecture hall.

Immediately I step out of the door, I feel someone pull me by the hand. I look up and it is Hans.

I can feel myself myself smiling so widely and my heart is beginning to beat rapidly.

"Hi..." He says, smiling at me

"Hi span... " I can not finish that sentence and I am already laughing.

"Oh really Kay... " He says squeezing his nose at me.

"Well, I hope you would still be laughing when I tell you what I have to tell you" He immediately looks nervous so I stand upright and nod.

"My family is having this get together... We usually have it every year and I would like for you to come along with me..."

"Mmmmmm.. Okay. I don't mind. When is it? "

"Tomorrow." He looks at me with pleading eyes hoping I do not change mind

"Whhaaatt?!! I don't have any clothes to wear"

"Don't worry, I have got that covered." Je says and hands me a bag he is holding.

" I sort of already bought something for you"

I look into the bag and it's a black dress.

"eerrrr... Thank you? I appreciate it."

"Phheeww, that's great. Thought you might not... alrighty then Kay, I would see you tomorrow. The time is eight in the morning."

"Okay Hans, see you tomorrow."

We part ways and I head for my apartment. I am quite excited and can't wait for tomorrow.


"Hey Kayley!" I am startled when I open the door and Berryl is standing right in front of me smiling.

"oh, hi."

"I saw you with a cute guy. Who's he?" she asks with humor in her eyes.

Oh, I must have forgotten to state that, she and I have become good friends. She is a nice person.

"Well, if you care to know, he is my friend, Hanson."

"sure that's all you guys are?"

"Yeah, yeah." Somehow, a part of me wishes we were more.

"Well, I am going out. See you later this evening." She says as she heads for the door.

"Alright. Stay safe."

"Sure girl, I would"

Finally, I am alone so, I sprint to my room to try on the attire Hans gave to me.

Ohhhh.. I look cute.

Authors Note:

Here is a sneak peak at Kayley's dress.

Here is a sneak peak at Kayley's dress

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Hope you love it..

Also, I am going to begin writing in Hanson's Point Of View.. 😁😁😁

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