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My heart is literally racing right now.

He holds my hand and keeps staring into my eyes.

His breathing begins to rise and so does mine.

I know what's coming next.

He begins to lean in and I lean in too.

We are still staring in each others eyes.

I have been dreaming about this day for a long time now.

He places his hand around my neck and pulls me in.

As his lips touches mine, I feel like I am going to melt away.

There is so much passion in the kiss, yet it is patient and calculated.

I close my eyes and enjoy the moment.

My mind is racing now - Hanson and I are kissing!

'I really like you Kayley...'

'I like you too Hanson...'

'Can I ask you a question?'

'Sure, you can'

'Would you be me girlfriend?'

'I would love that more than anything in the world. '


Hanson takes my hand and guides me to a bench in the garden. Its a beautiful spot - under a beautiful tree that has blossomed fully with colourful flowers and right in front of us is a little water fountain with water as clear as the sky.

"Kay,..." Hanson says pulling out of my thoughts. I stare at him finding it hard to believe what just happened.

"...I know this might be a little hasty but I would love to introduce you to my family. I am old fashioned that way." He chuckles a bit." I really like you Kayley and I want us to be official. Its okay however, if you are not ready."

I close my eyes and think it over. Hanson is probably the only guy who has ever understood me and made me feel so safe. I know he genuinely likes me and I do too. Being introduced to his family is probably not much of a big deal.

"Alright Hans, I would love to meet your family- "officially". I smile at him and lean in for a kiss.

"Great. Lets go in so I introduce you to them." I am glad to see him smile so excitedly.

We walk back to the hall and everyone is just walking around chit-chatting. They are probably done with the meeting. We must have been away for quite some time. We walk over to the man who had been giving the speech earlier on and Hanson introduces us.

"Hey dad, I would love for you to meet Kayley."

"Hi Kayley, it is truly nice to see a pretty lady walk by my son." He winks at me while shaking my hand.

"Its nice to meet you too sir." I look at Hanson and he is beaming with smiles.

"Dad, Kayley and I..."

"Don't bother yourself son, I see the way you look at her, its just like how I used to look at your mom. I am happy for you. Welcome to the family dear." He opens his arms and embraces me.

Somehow, I feel like everyone is staring at us but Hanson's presence makes me feel at ease. Just as Hanson's dad walks away, Hannah comes over eager to find out what's going on.

"Lemme guess, you guys are together, I knew it, I knew, I knew it!!!" She exclaims loudly while pulling me in for a hug. "You have to tell me all about it..." she says as she drags me once again into her room.

I look over at Hanson who is smiling at Hannah and I and he nods for me to go ahead.

"Hey, thanks so much for saying yes." Hanson says to me as he drives me back home. He takes my hand and gives it a small squeeze. I look at him and he is smiling nervously at me. I give him an honest smile and look back out the window.

Honestly, I do not think that I have never been this happy

After a few minutes of driving, we finally arrive at my apartment. Hanson pulls over at the parking lot and quickly walks over to my side and opens my door.

"For my lady."


We walk hand in hand towards the my door.

"Kay, today has been so perfect. Thank you so much."

"Sure, today has been more than perfect, do you want to come in? I think my roommate is out."

"I would love to"


Hey guys, I am super excited about Hanson and Kayley!!!!!!

lemme know what you think!

Finding Myself {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now