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"Hey, mom! Where is dad? I scream at my mom through my bedroom door. I needed him to drop me off at prom and I was almost done dressing.

"Sweetie, he is almost home. Give him ten minutes babe. He would be here soon." screamed my mom. I hated this. I hated the fact that my dad prioritized work over his family. I hated that my dad felt that he needed to make more money even though we had enough. I hated the job he did and I hated that it put us all at risk. However, above all the hate, I understood what he did and I loved him even more for being true to himself.

"Kayley! Dad just arrived!" Screamed my mom pulling me out of my thoughts. I hurried downstairs but not before taking one quick glance at myself in the mirror. I looked pretty classy.

"Wow!!" exclaimed my mom and dad. "you look really pretty honey" they both said. Sometimes, I think they are twins.

"Thanks, mom and dad." They pull me in for a hug.

"Have fun at prom and tell the boys to stay away." Screamed my mom as my dad and I left home.

The ride to school was very quiet with my dad receiving calls here and there, probably from work. When we arrived at my school, he opened my door, walked me to the door even after I protested several times. I didn't want to be the girl whose dad walked to the dance but he wasn't having that excuse so you can only imagine the scowl on my face.

The dance happened to be some what fun. A few guys asked me for a dance, I agreed to them and after the first dance, they announced the prom king and queen. The rest of the night was for dancing and because I didn't have any friends, I decided to go outside for some fresh air. When I stepped outside, the whole place was empty so I decided to pick a quick stroll. Just when I finished walking around the block and decided to head back to the dance, a van pulled up in front of me. Some men in black jumped out of the van, carried me into the van with their hands covering my mouth to muffle my screams. The last thing I heard was someone screaming for someone to call the cops.

My relief was in knowing that someone saw me being taken.


Would write flashbacks for each character. Also what work do you think Kayley's dad does that could put them at a risk?

Happy Reading!

Finding Myself {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now