**Chapter 43**

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It has been more than a month since we came back from our week long trip. Everything has been going on well, I feel a lot better, school is going on smoothly and Hanson and I are growing strong together.

Berryl however, has been off ever since we came back. She stays in her room all day and looks very sad all the time. I tried asking her a few times, but she either changes the subject or says she is fine. I spoke to Hanson about it and he advised that I give her space and allow her to open up whenever she is ready. I guess that's the best thing to do.

I am snapped out of my thoughts when Berryl walks into the apartment. She looks like she has been crying. She walks past me and heads towards her room.

"Berryl?" I blurt out. I decide to try getting her to talk to me. She turns around as if only realising that I am even here.

"Wanna sit down so we talk?"

She considers my request, "okay".

She sits down and none of us say anything for a while.

"I saw my mom today." She says to my surprise.

"Wow, that's good news right?"

"I could not approach her. I am so stu..."

"No, no... It must have been hard for you.  Do not be too hard on yourself." I hold her hand as she continues.

"You know, the reason I have been so distant lately is, I felt really sad when I saw how close you and your mom are. It made me desire such a relationship with mine. So when we came back, I tried to convince my grand mom to take me to my mom but she refused..." She clenches her teeth.


She continues, "... She said my mom didn't deserve to see me and get to know me. I pleaded and pleaded...and pleaded. I eventually threatened to cut all contact with her if she didn't tell me where my mom was. She finally agreed and today she showed me a picture of my mom and where my she lived. It took all the courage I could muster to get there but when I saw her, I chickened out..."

She breaks down into tears and for a few minutes, I allow her to grieve without saying a word.

"What do I do now, Kayley?" It hurts to see my best friend so broken.

"How about I go with you when ever you are ready to see her again. Maybe tomorrow?" I tilt my head hoping that she agrees.

"What if she does not want me?"

"There is no way that would happen. Every mother loves their daughter so much. I am sure she would be more than happy and grateful to have you back in her life."

"But...she gave me away."

"I do not have all the answers Berryl but I am sure that when you see her, she would tell you the truth you need to know." I give her an assuring smile.

"I hope so..." She takes a deep breathe, and heads to her room.

As she walks away, I say a silent prayer hoping for the best tomorrow.

Happy Reading!!!

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