**Chapter 37**

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I wake up to find that Hanson is not lying next to me. I put on my clothes and go to the kitchen. Hopefully, he would be there.

"Good morning Kayley!" I turn around to see Hannah screaming at me.

Oh Lord! I completely forgot that Hannah and her dad came home yesternight.

"Hi, how are you doing?" I respond shyly.

"I'm okay. Come, breakfast is ready. Hanson made pancakes." She grabs my hand and sends me to the kitchen. Hanson and his dad are having a chat behind the counter.

"Good morning." I greet them when I get there.
"Good morning dear." Hanson's dad smiles at me.
"I shall leave you kids alone then. I would be in the study. Its so good to see you again Kayley." He winks at me and walks away.

"Hey, Beautiful." Hanson walks over to me and places a kiss on my forehead.

"I am right here, guys!" Hannah screams from behind us. She grabs her food and heads off to the sitting room laughing, leaving Hanson and I alone.

"Is your dad okay with me being here. You know, spending the night?" I ask when I am sure Hannah is out of earshot.

"Oh, yes sure. He is. He is very open minded and gives us enough freedom."

"That's nice." I sigh in relief.

"Although, he said we should turn down the noise... If you know what I mean." He rolls his head with laughter.

"eeww.. What??" I ask in shock, praying that he is only kidding.
"I am only messing with you babe!"
I laugh out loud and kick him. "That's for messing with me."
He giggles.

"Truth be told, yesterday was extremely beautiful." He holds my hand and stares into my eyes.
I look away.
"You are so beautiful Kayley, really!" He tilts my head towards his, stares into my eyes and plants a kiss on my lips.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

Hanson drops me off at my apartment in time for me to prepare for my class.
Berryl isn't around when I enter the room. I quickly take my bathe, dress up and head for the lecture hall.

After the two hour literature lecture ends, I head to the library. It has been a long time since I sat down to do some reading.

I sit at my favorite seat and pick up a book from my bag, "Power of the Now" by Ekchart Tolle. Hanson gave it to me as a gift a while back and I have not had the chance to read.

I plug in my headphones and listen to some music in the background as I put all my attention into what I am reading.

I spend about two hours reading the book. Every single word hit home for me as I marveled at how he wrote with such clarity and uniqueness.

I pick up my things and head back to the apartment.

I can feel a change going on within myself. It's subtle, but I know it's there.

Happy Reading.

Excerpt from the book:
  "When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. The realm of Being, which had been obscured by the mind, then opens up. Suddenly, a great stillness arises within you, an unfathomable sense of peace. And within that peace, there is great joy. And within that joy, there is love."

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