**Chapter 30**

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I am finally going back to school today. Truth is, i am very anxious about finding out what is up with Hanson. My family however, did a good job of distracting me these past few days.
We went to the movies, had a big family and friends diner, we even went on a picnic. The amazing surprise was when my dad allowed my brother and I to take his car out for a spin. He recently bought it and so it still has the new car smell. My brother and I went on a mini road trip.

As I pack my things I decide to call Hanson one last time. As expected, he doesn't pick up. Right now, I am torn between being angry and worried. I have decided not to jump into conclusions until I have heard his reasons.
"Still haven't heard from him?"
I turn around to see my brother standing in my doorway.
"Yeah, well..."
"aaaww...sorry sis. I am sure there is a reasonable explanation."
"I hope so"
"Alrighty, mom and dad are ready to take you to the airport. Let me help you with your bags."
With that we drive to the airport and within 30 minutes, I am in a plane headed back to school.

After another tiresome two hours flight, we eventually touch down. I meet Berryl in front of the airport and together we take a taxi back to our apartment.
Its takes me a second to realize that a lot has been changed in our apartment. For starters, Berryl has more of her things lying around and her room looks like it has undergone a lot of furnishing. I glance over at her.
"Yeah, i spent the vacation here." She says, answering the question hanging in the air.
"No reason...just didn't feel like going home." She shrugs
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Nope, nope. Lets talk about you and your guy issues. What is the plan?" I filled her in on the issue on the ride to the apartment.
"Well, I don't know. Was thinking of going over to his place." I look at her waiting for approval.
"Alright, but what are you gonna do when you get there? What if he really is avoiding you?"
I stare at her in silence. Truth be told, I do not for the life of me, know what my reaction would be.
"Look, lets just grab a meal from town and then we can go over to his place."
"Yeah, i am coming with you." Without waiting for a response, she drags me out the door.

Here i am, heading towards Hanson's house. It took a lot to convince Berryl that i wanted to go alone. In fact, i needed to go alone. I start to feel extremely nervous as Hanson's house comes into view. Thoughts of our last night together start rolling through my mind.

I quickly jump out of the taxi as it comes to a stop. My nerves are truly taking the best of me. With heavy breaths I walk towards the main door.
I really want to calm down but the more I try the more nervous I become.

I knock the door several times and no one responds. Just as I turn around to leave, some one opens the door.

Hope you are all enjoying the story.
Next chapter is going to be in Hanson's point of view .
Happy Reading!😍😍😍😍

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