**Chapter 4**

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I stumble into the lecture hall, and get exactly what I did not want - stares from about a hundred students.
I immediately feel like coiling into a shell and having someone toss me out of the window.

who would have thought college students would be that punctual.

Some people must have sensed my fear because, I am sure I heard them giggle as I walk past them to the back seat.

The lecturer continues teaching and the lecture ends just as quickly as it started. I actually enjoyed it and look forward to another session.

Immediately the bell rings, the hundred or so students scurry out of the class while the lecturer screams out an assignment we are to submit the next week.

I however, decide to stay behind to do a little read over.

The rest of the day goes by quickly and soon enough I am headed for the dorm. Thankfully.

Upon arrival, I noticed that the door is unlocked meaning my roommate is back

I should probably go and say hi

I walk reluctantly to her room, knock on her door and hear her request that I come in.

Well, I must say her room is basically empty. No stickers, no books on the table, just the things you find in a room when you move in initially. She probably doesn't spend much time here.

"how may I help you?" She asks, looking at me in a very unsettling way like she isn't expecting me to be there.

"I am your roommate, Kayley. I moved in yesterday but you weren't around so I made myself comfortable."

"yeah, whatever"

Oh no she didn't!

I look at her to see if she is joking and apparently she is not. I quickly turn around and head for my room wondering what I did wrong. She didn't even tell me her name.

It is getting late so I go to the kitchen, cook myself a meal and eat in the living room. My roommate walks out of the apartment as though I am not even there.

After eating, I wash the dishes, dry them up and decide to call it a night. I lay on the bed thinking about the cute strange and don't even notice when I fall asleep.

"Kayley, Kayley, Kayley, wake up! Wake up!" I open my eyes to see who is waking me ; It was my roommate.

"What is it? I asked checking the time and it was freaking one o'clock am.

"You were screaming in your sleep. Didn't you realize it? You must have been having a nightmare."

I stare at her bleakly as she stands up and leaves my room. I just can not believe it.

Oh Lord, not again, not again, not again

A/N : hey guys.
Why do you think Kayley's roommate is so mysterious?

And why is she freaking out over a little nightmare?

Comment below.

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