Hazel Learns Telepathy

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Nico and I just sat in silence, staring at the perfectly made bed Dominique had left behind. Even though I only knew her for barely a day, I felt that I had a sense of responsibility over her. It made sense, since she was my sister, and family had to keep together. 

She always kept a happy face, though I'm not sure if Nico sensed it too, but she was definitely breaking on the inside. 

From the moment I set eyes on her during the meeting in the big house I realised she was recovering from something major, something that was suppose to break her, destroy her but had fail to do so. She was close to it, though.

And the events leading up to her leaving for her part of the quest confirmed that.

I woke up to Nico cursing and desperately rocking a shaking Dominique in his arms. She looked so fragile in that moment. Her normally light caramel skin had an unhealthy bluish tinge to it and her hair was slowly turning from its naturally brown sombre, to a greyish silver colour. She seemed to be ageing in unnaturally time.

I shot up from the bed and knelled at Dominique's side and rested my hand on her forehead , it was ice cold. 

"What happened?" I asked Nico, looking up at him. He was just staring directly at her, as if he were trying to send her message, telepathically. He didn't even stop to look at me, not to even mention answering my question.

Suddenly, Dominique's eyes shot open and she let out a piercing scream, before falling back, completely limp.

I gasped, tears running down my face and landing on Dominique's limp arm. They turned into ice crystals, as soon as they hit her skin before melting away completely.

"Don't worry, I'm trying," Nico uttered, still staring at her, deep in some sort of trance.

Anger started to brew inside of me, Nico wasn't even trying to help her. He was just muttering stupid irrelevant comments to himself. 

Out of anger, I snatched Dominique's limp arm up and laced her fingers into my. An electric shock shot up my arm and suddenly I understood why Nico was just staring at her. 

He was communicating with her, trying to help her out of seemed like a nightmare. A serious one.

How did I know? I could hear her too.

"It's becoming so dark, I can't see anything!" Dominique's voice booming in my ears. 

"Hold on," I replied, hoping she could hear me.

"I'm trying to, but your losing me," she said but her voice was fading, I could barely make out the last word she said.

I looked up at Nico, who was looking at me. "Close your eyes Hazel and focus on Dominique. Say her name repeatedly in your head, if you must. Just don't let her out of your mind!" He instructed firmly before shutting his eyes.

I did the same and started to chant her, name. A scene started to unfold in my mind; I could see Dominique, her clothes tatters and her body decorated with cuts and bruises. She was in what seemed like the labyrinth, but more sinister. She was fighting against what seemed like an invisible gust of wind , and it looked like it was winning as she was being dragged backwards towards what seemed like an abyss. 

DOMINIQUE, DOMINIQUE, DOMINIQUE, I chanted in my head as loud as I possibly could. She looked up as if to tell me that she knew I was there. Collecting what seemed to be the last of her strength, she started to move against the current, away from the abyss. 

Opening my eyes, I let out a sigh of relief and  turned to face Nico and that was when I hear it. 

A scream and then silence. Dominique's chest had stopped moving. She was no longer breathing.

I dared to close my eyes and witness what happened. All I could see was the horrible image of  Dominique's limp body being carried into the abyss, on the invisible gust.

I could hear Nico screaming Dominique's name furiously, whilst I just stared, stunned. 

Hot tears started to flood down my face rapidly. I mustered up the last of my strength, screaming Dominique's  name furiously as the tears refused to stop.

But I was too late, she fell into the abyss and the my the picture went black.

Panting heavily, I opened my eyes and stared at Nico, who was staring at the wall, tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.

I quickly crawled over to Dominique's body and wept into her chest. I wept tears of anger and sadness. Before saying her name, one last time in her chest. 

Just at that moment, she sputtered and coughed so loudly, I jumped off of her.

Her hair regained its original colour and her skin, did the same as she sat bolt upright.

"You're alive!" I yelled, hugging her tightly. "Don't you dare die on me, again!" 

Nico flung my arms off of her and hugged her as well. 

"If you die again, I will use my sword to suck out your soul," Nico threatened, whilst basically squeezing the life out of her.

Dominique and I laughed , whilst we all enjoyed the three way hug.

  × × ×  

Dominique was now gone and we were just sitting there in silence.

"What the fuck just happened?" Nico asked, staring at the wall blankly.

"I don't know but it was scary." I replied equally as blankly. I just didn't know how to react, she basically died and then just left to go on her quest. I didn't know whether, it was because she was a trooper or just mad. Either way, I respected her for it. 

"Did you see, the maze thing she was in?" Nico asked looking at me with his puffy eyes. "That's where we're going."

"It looks dangerous," I replied blankly. I honestly wasn't much of a talking mood but I had to ask how I could hear Dominique's thoughts.

"Hey, Nico...So you can talk to Dominique..without, actually talking?" 

He looked up and nodded slowly before speaking. "Yeah, that's how I found out we were related."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "And you didn't find it necessary to tell me?" 

"I thought you could too," he muttered, turning to lay down on his back.

"I guess I can now, not before," I got up and went over to his bed, signalling for him to move over, so I could lay down next to him. "How?"

Nico was silent for bit before answering. "I think there has to be some sort of connection to death or fear of death. Like, when I started with Dominique, she had her sword pointed at me, as if she were ready to kill me-"

"And I witness her basically die, when I started to hear her thoughts." I interrupted. "Wonder when we'll start communicating telepathically?"

He didn't answer but I could hear him snoring softly. I started to drift to sleep aswell. In Nico's bed. 

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